Hello Rohit,

This feature is now supported in trunk. Please refer revision # 807938.


Adrian Crum wrote:
The UtilXml methods don't support name spaces. It would be nice if they did though. Look in the webdav folder in framework/webapp for examples of how to use name spaces.


rohit2006 wrote:

I am trying to write a xml, with the following command:

UtilXml.addChildElementValue(entryElem, "g:title", "java how to program",

I expected the xml output to be as follows:

<g:title>java how to program</g:title>

However, the actual output is as below:
<title>java how to program</title>, ie. the "g:" has been removed
automatically. I am not sure why this is happening and how can we avoid it.
If anyone can share some thoughts i did appreciate it.



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