Hi Kishore,

You can refer SchedularJobs.xml in party folder or SchedularServices.xml in 

    <!-- create recurring job to check email communication events with the 
status COM_IN_PROGRESS to send these emails.. -->
    <TemporalExpression tempExprId="SENDEMAIL" tempExprTypeId="FREQUENCY" 
integer1="12" integer2="5"/>
    <JobSandbox jobId="SENDEMAIL" jobName="Send Email" runTime="2000-01-01 
00:00:00.000" serviceName="sendEmailDated" poolId="pool" runAsUser="system" 
tempExprId="SENDEMAIL" maxRecurrenceCount="-1"/>


-----Original Message-----
From: Kishore Pagadala
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 4:46 PM
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Subject: Any retry framework for Ofbiz ?

Hi All,

Requirment: Need to call a third party service from OFBiz, if the service is 
not available I need to try it after every hour till we get a reply.

Do we have any retry framework provided by OFBiz ?
I want a third party service (maxmind Fraud detection, Authroize.net, Endicia ) 
to be probed with a given frequency.

Does the OFBiz framework supports this kind of retrying process ?



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