I was not pointing the server comment at you, tim.
I guess since I replied you your response that it can take it that way.

Tim Ruppert sent the following on 10/13/2009 10:29 AM:
> Yeah - we've got our own and in fact pay for the community ones as
> well.  Just want to put the best face forward for the project.  Not
> saying the themes are perfect, but let's start from current and mod from
> there.  That's at least my vote - one of many people voting.
> Cheers,
> Ruppert
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 11:26 AM, BJ Freeman wrote:
>> Forgot one point, if your a company you should be able to support you
>> own demo site. Dedicated Servers these days cost about $100. Then you
>> can have it any way you want.
>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 10/13/2009 10:03 AM:
>>> This seems a lot to-do about nothing, reference, the default, since if
>>> someone wants to demo the demo site they can change the theme.
>>> also I think it is mute since so many use the Site and change things
>>> when someone else is on they change languages and themes, that it would
>>> be theme wars on the Demo site, for all practical purposes.
>>> The valid discussion, to me, is the architectures of the themes, not a
>>> specific theme, since anyone can create a theme and submit it for
>>> inclusion.
>>> What themes can support and not support is valuable for those that want
>>> to create themes.
>>> I would like to see, general support that looks at the browser functions
>>> to determine what to present. Like does support javascript if not then
>>> server up a basic page. So there would always be a basic text page
>>> template for the browser where the user has turned off features
>>> Also Themes that address Color blind people and Those of us that have
>>> trouble with fonts.
>>> The last one really takes on a new dimensions, since have we already
>>> found out, some translation cause justification problems
>>> My view of current themes is they show what can be done and are good
>>> learning tools.
>>> Tim Ruppert sent the following on 10/13/2009 9:44 AM:
>>>> If you have changes to the theme - submit them or fix them.  This theme
>>>> has been tested and is in fact used by many people that we work with.
>>>> We do not have all of the problems you mentioned.  There's NO reason to
>>>> start with Flat Grey - use the current theme - with the current design
>>>> and fix the issues.
>>>> It wasn't crap when it was put forward, it was tested and used - so
>>>> please your best to not insult others as well :)  Read Foster's email
>>>> for where and why we did what we did and go from there.  I'm at
>>>> least as
>>>> interested as everyone in the community at fixing all of the crap in
>>>> OFBiz - as evidenced by the amazing amount of investment in time and
>>>> money that's been made by our company.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ruppert
>>>> -- 
>>>> Tim Ruppert
>>>> HotWax Media
>>>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>> o:801.649.6594
>>>> f:801.649.6595
>>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 9:46 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tim:
>>>>> This will probably start a "flame war" (if those things still happen
>>>>> :-), but again this is all for what I feel is the betterment of the
>>>>> project. Please see my comments inline:
>>>>> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>>>> Inline
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ruppert
>>>>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 8:09 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Tim:
>>>>>>> I fully understand your point of view and the constraints we all
>>>>>>> labor under. Whether the old theme sucks or not is not in question
>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>> First question I have for you is what "guidelines" are you referring
>>>>>>> to?
>>>>>> Take a look at BizznessTime and then at Flat Grey and let me know
>>>>>> when you think each were designed from a look and feel perspective?
>>>>>> That's the point here - first impressions of whether or not this
>>>>>> project is stale or not.  This is why it was developed and it can
>>>>>> have a huge impact on the people that see it for the first time.  Not
>>>>>> to mention that as I said, my customers have custom themes built on
>>>>>> BizznessTime and are happy with them ...
>>>>> You didn't answer my question. What guidelines?
>>>>> I'm not disputing that your customers have nice themes. You, or your
>>>>> company probably built them. Good for you! As a service provider, this
>>>>> attitude towards the code base works in your favor. As an end-user,
>>>>> maybe this approach towards the project code base doesn't work so
>>>>> well. Please reconsider.
>>>> Right, I'm trying to keep the code base crappy so I have to explain to
>>>> more and more people how we could fix it for them.  That makes no
>>>> sense.
>>>>>>> Secondly, why should a new user have to change a theme in order to
>>>>>>> use OFBiz applications. If, as you say its easy to change a theme,
>>>>>>> then it should be incumbent on the knowledgeable experienced OFBiz
>>>>>>> user to change themes and not the new user. New users have enough on
>>>>>>> their plate just learning how the applications work.
>>>>>> I'm talking about demo.ofbiz.org having a current looking theme so
>>>>>> that when people want to see the application for the first time,
>>>>>> they're not asking if we started with the backend design in 2001 and
>>>>>> then forgot to update it :)  If you guys want that to be a deployment
>>>>>> setting for the demo store - I'm happy to do it that way - let's just
>>>>>> not act like the old theme is what is making OFBiz happen.
>>>>> So am I. Lets talk about the demo site. On a recent visit (2 days ago)
>>>>> what I saw was embarrassing and hence my comment about pride of
>>>>> ownership.
>>>>> I'd like to "call you to the carpet" on making "OFBiz happen". How
>>>>> many new user's to OFBiz (I'm talking end-users) have been "convinced"
>>>>> to adopt based on theme changes? Do you even know? If you can show me
>>>>> the numbers, then I will gladly change my tune.
>>>> No numbers - but from a sales perspective it's been MUCH better
>>>> received
>>>> by all new people.  Keep in mind, I'm not talking about techies - I'm
>>>> talking about business people who will eventually use the applications.
>>>>>>> Thirdly, please don't throw around "its easy" to do something
>>>>>>> without siting references. You insult my intelligence and every
>>>>>>> other reader on this list by implying that anything concerning
>>>>>>> recent releases of OFBiz is "easy".
>>>>>> Please Ruth - come on.  If you're not sure where the themes are, then
>>>>>> please use a browser tool to tell you where the CSS is that drives
>>>>>> the theme and tinker with it.  If I had the references for you in my
>>>>>> hands - I'll lay them out like a towel - but since I didn't, I
>>>>>> declined to send you to the wrong place.  Me and the other readers
>>>>>> (and my employees) dove in on the theme concept and tried our best to
>>>>>> come up with something quickly that would make an impact in the
>>>>>> release.  I think we accomplished that in a big way.  If it's not
>>>>>> good, then please help to make it better rather than turning back to
>>>>>> something that's not pushing forward (on the design front).
>>>>> Tim, we are not talking about me. I know how to do this. I've spent
>>>>> several years working with all aspects of OFBiz from the front-end CSS
>>>>> to writing modifications to the Entity Engine to support database
>>>>> field types not supported by OFBiz. I'm talking about new users.
>>>> Well that's great- wasn't sure by your message.
>>>>> I have tried to "make it better" by submitting JIRA issues.
>>>>> How about if we start over with a design document and a baseline that
>>>>> we know works - perhaps the Flat Grey theme, and go forward from
>>>>> there. Give me developer/access rights to the code base and I'd gladly
>>>>> help out.
>>>> Feel free to start that process, but I insist that you start from the
>>>> new standard - not the old one.
>>>>>> I'd much rather see these kinks worked out - since we're only talking
>>>>>> about CSS - not the magic of the screen widget / form widget, etc.
>>>>>> In this case, "easy" means that any web developer in the world that
>>>>>> does "Inspect Element" on Safari or anything else - will be able to
>>>>>> see where the CSS is - since that's 99% of how these themes are
>>>>>> messed with in the first place.
>>>>> I agree with you here concerning working out the kinks. Where we
>>>>> diverge is: I don't think it is up to end-users to do testing for the
>>>>> project. Don't commit code (themes or otherwise) that has not been
>>>>> tested. Don't make changes to OFBiz until those changes have been
>>>>> tested. Its pretty simple.
>>>> Are you insinuating that we do this?  I certainly hope not.
>>>>> Again, end-users have enough on their plate just learning the
>>>>> applications. And, perhaps more importantly, end-user's for the
>>>>> backend applications are not the same web developers you reference
>>>>> here.
>>>>> You obviously see all this from a service provider's point of view and
>>>>> not an end-user. Please understand, I don't provide OFBiz development,
>>>>> deployment or integration services. I am an advocate for end-users.
>>>>> IMO, if we don't get more end-users looking at OFBiz, you might as
>>>>> well kiss this project good-bye.
>>>> We can agree on that front for sure.  I see this from an adoption
>>>> standpoint - and that old 1990's theme ain't getting anyone off the mat
>>>> to use OFBiz - I can promise you that.
>>>>> Its all about mindshare, and while OFBiz has been good to you and
>>>>> HotWax, your attitude is very similar to the "proprietary" mindset of
>>>>> some software vendors that shall remain unnamed.
>>>>> Please take off your service provider hat and look at all this from a
>>>>> potential new end-user.
>>>> Please put on your I'll dive in and fix these minor issues - instead of
>>>> sitting back and being a purist.  That's what we do and I hope to see
>>>> you do the same.  What you're doing on the end user spectrum will
>>>> undoubtedly be a big help, but just sitting back or rolling back
>>>> doesn't
>>>> get the issues resolved.  Thanks for submitting bugs - they're all over
>>>> the system and we're in there fixing them daily ....
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Ruth
>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Ruth Hoffman, Author, Mentor & OFBiz Enthusiast
>>>>>>> ruth.hoff...@myofbiz.com
>>>>>>> Looking for more OFBiz info, please visit my website:
>>>>>>> http://www.myofbiz.com
>>>>>>> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>>>>>> We are all working within the constraints of _not_ redesigning the
>>>>>>>> entire set of backend applications - which is really what needs to
>>>>>>>> be done. The old theme sucks visually - has no spice, doesn't fit
>>>>>>>> today's look and feel guidelines AT ALL, looks really old - so I'd
>>>>>>>> say from someone who does this day in and day out - you're WAY off
>>>>>>>> when it comes to the way that people react to it (be clear, this
>>>>>>>> does not talk to using it on a day to day basis).  We've been very
>>>>>>>> successful in building themes off of Bizzness Time - please are
>>>>>>>> reacting in a really positive way.
>>>>>>>> There is nothing other than a visual change on the BizznessTime
>>>>>>>> theme.  There are no other extra widgets or the like.  it's just a
>>>>>>>> reorganization of the data that's there to help give it a
>>>>>>>> facelift.  I'm not talking to users - I'm talking to you and
>>>>>>>> everyone else who has issues with it.  Fix it ... or go back to the
>>>>>>>> old theme in your own setup - don't doom the rest of us to have to
>>>>>>>> go apply first impressions with that really lame setup.
>>>>>>>> As for the documentation - I'm not sure - checkout Confluence - we
>>>>>>>> just dug in and tried to bring the backend apps out of the early
>>>>>>>> 2000s instead of letting it sit stagnant.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Ruppert
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> Tim Ruppert
>>>>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>>>>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>>>>>> o:801.649.6594
>>>>>>>> f:801.649.6595
>>>>>>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 7:10 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Tim:
>>>>>>>>> If this a tool for convincing people to use OFBiz, then IMO, we
>>>>>>>>> are way off the mark. The backend applications where the
>>>>>>>>> BiznessTime theme has been applied are designed for end-users who
>>>>>>>>> may not and probably do not have any experience with HTML or CSS.
>>>>>>>>> Lets not forget who our audience is here.
>>>>>>>>> If the foundation, as you say is so solid (and I have not doubt
>>>>>>>>> that it is), then reverting back to a simpler yet more accessible
>>>>>>>>> theme should be the way to go.  Fancier is not always better.
>>>>>>>>> On another note, could you point me to the end-user documentation
>>>>>>>>> covering  creating new themes. I'd be happy to try this out and
>>>>>>>>> post my findings.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Ruth
>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Ruth Hoffman, Author, Mentor & OFBiz Enthusiast
>>>>>>>>> ruth.hoff...@myofbiz.com
>>>>>>>>> Looking for more OFBiz info, please visit my website:
>>>>>>>>> http://www.myofbiz.com
>>>>>>>>> Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> We exclusively use the BizznessTime theme with clients because
>>>>>>>>>> it's WAY easier to change, skin and adapt to everyone's liking /
>>>>>>>>>> look and feel.  I think it would be a huge mistake to roll it
>>>>>>>>>> back to the Flat Grey as we have not had any of the same problems
>>>>>>>>>> once everyone gets over the initial shock of seeing something
>>>>>>>>>> different.
>>>>>>>>>> If the community wants to roll it back - then go for it - but it
>>>>>>>>>> isn't wise.  FIX the problems that you don't like in the
>>>>>>>>>> BizznessTime theme, or create one of your own - it's easy to do -
>>>>>>>>>> this is a much more solid foundation to build on then the old
>>>>>>>>>> (and looking really old) theme that's been in there since the
>>>>>>>>>> beginning.  Have any of you tried to edit the CSS to make any
>>>>>>>>>> changes that might not make it so "large"?  It should be pretty
>>>>>>>>>> easy with this setup.
>>>>>>>>>> Anyways, think on it and do what you will do, but remember this
>>>>>>>>>> is still a tool for convincing people to use OFBiz.  I'd leave
>>>>>>>>>> this in place and change it to the ugly, ugly in your own
>>>>>>>>>> installations before I wanted to go back to Flay Grey as a sales
>>>>>>>>>> tool ....
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Ruppert
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>> Tim Ruppert
>>>>>>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>>>>>>>>>> o:801.649.6594
>>>>>>>>>> f:801.649.6595
>>>>>>>>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 3:40 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>>>>>>>>> So far,
>>>>>>>>>>> * it seems that most people find things too large and prefer to
>>>>>>>>>>> zoom out.
>>>>>>>>>>> * it seems also that not much specific bugs were reported, and
>>>>>>>>>>> those reported should be easily fixed (not quite sure though...)
>>>>>>>>>>> I repeat myself about where to report about this subject :
>>>>>>>>>>> create a subtask at
>>>>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2398
>>>>>>>>>>> In his 1st reply Chris Snow suggested a change. But I'm not sure
>>>>>>>>>>> it's enough for doing the same thing as a zoom out
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe we could ask Ryan Foster if it's possble to shrink the
>>>>>>>>>>> size (of everything ) else we may vote for the "return of Flat
>>>>>>>>>>> Grey" as default
>>>>>>>>>>> theme.
>>>>>>>>>>> What do you people think ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>>>>> PS : Hans I saw you opened a subtask for the field size issue,
>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Hans Bakker" <mailingl...@antwebsystems.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:mailingl...@antwebsystems.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sure the Business theme looks good but.....
>>>>>>>>>>>> The general problem is that the characters, fields and actually
>>>>>>>>>>>> everything is far too big....If i specify a field to be 2
>>>>>>>>>>>> characters, at
>>>>>>>>>>>> least 5 fit in....
>>>>>>>>>>>> So set the default to flat_gray in general properties is
>>>>>>>>>>>> perhaps better.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 16:19 +0200, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to know what the community thinks about Bizness Time
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as default theme.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you use it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you change for another theme ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one fo you prefer?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Did you find bugs in one of the theme but not another?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Antwebsystems.com <http://Antwebsystems.com>: Quality OFBiz
>>>>>>>>>>>> services for competitive rates
>> -- 
>> BJ Freeman
>> http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation
>> http://bjfreeman.elance.com
>> http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=1237480&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro
>> Systems Integrator.

BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.

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