Hi Pierre,

Yes it sounds like a reasonnable requirement to me. Some of the problems we get 
when trying to convince prospects to use OFBiz is
that they want something like SugarCRM. Almost all is there, but not as easy as 
in SugarCRM...
I guess that's why Opentaps was created in the 1st place, because Si quickly 
identified the need and filled it. BTW, I think we miss
after sales features in OFBiz (like tokens in SugarCRM). This could certainly 
be implemented using what exists already in OFBiz (ie
we don't need much changes in the data model if any, using workeffort for 
instance) but has still to be done at the UI level.

A prospective customer (French international enterprise of middle size) told me recently that he would prefer to have an easier to use
SFA/CRM than an accounting module, because he has already his own accouting 
system and do not want to change.
Also he wondered how much changes would be implied if ever he would like to 
change, because he think the accouting module is
formated to US practices. I don't think so (I think it's general enough and may 
be quickly adapted) but as I have not worked much
with the OFBiz accouting system yet, I had not much arguments to expose, and was not even quite sure of them. So I ask accouting specialists : what is your point of view on this aspect ?

My 2cts


From: "Pierre Smits" <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
Hi All,
Shouldn't requests, quotes and the like be visible from the SFA Manager? And
should users be also able to create new requests, quotes e.a. from there?



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