Hi Jacques,

No, I hadn't come around to that. I looked at it from a business
perspective. But will look at the technical side as soon as possible.



2009/10/25 Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>

> Hi Pierre,
> I think I understand now. You are not speaking about OFBiz Entities right ?
> Have you had a look at CustRequest... and SalesOpportunity... entities and
> their relations ?
> Jacques
> From: "Pierre Smits" <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Jacques,
>> I guess that I was a bit off....
>> Like I said, an opportunity and a request (by a customers/account) are two
>> of the same.That are the entities that I meant. Each request (RFI, RFQ,
>> RFSup, etc) can be regarded as an opportunity that can be fulfilled by the
>> company. So, in my opinion these two types of entities could be combined
>> and
>> both fill the pipeline. Until they result in an order, or are lost, they
>> can
>> be regarded as one and the same.
>> Regards,
>> Pierre
>> 2009/10/24 Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
>>  Pierre,
>>> You "stated" below that these two entities should be combined. But which
>>> Entities ? :o)
>>> Jacques
>>> From: "Pierre Smits" <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
>>>  Hi Jacques,
>>>> My apologies, but what are you relating your question to? It's a bit
>>>> vague
>>>> for me at the moment.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Pierre
>>>> 2009/10/23 Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
>>>> Hi Pierre,
>>>>> What is the name of "your" Request entity ?
>>>>> Jacques
>>>>> From: "Pierre Smits" <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Pondering on opportunities and request I think  that any type of
>>>>> request
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> an opportunity. Otherwise they were orders, no? So these two entities
>>>>>> should
>>>>>> be combined.
>>>>>> 2009/10/21 Pierre Smits <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> Hi Jacques,
>>>>>>  You are on the money there. I think that the ecommerce solution in
>>>>>>> OfBIZ
>>>>>>> can be regarded as Best in Class. And with a little effort the
>>>>>>> CRM/SFA
>>>>>>> module can be the same. Most of the functionalities, as you pointed
>>>>>>> out,
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> already in place. It is just bringing it together. Having that it
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> drive
>>>>>>> the acceptance of a good CRM/SFA solution for customers and can/will
>>>>>>> lead
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> having a better acceptance of OfBIZ as a whole (both from customer
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> developer (SI) point of view).
>>>>>>> Therefore I would also advice to split up the Marketing module in a
>>>>>>> MARCOM
>>>>>>> application (which is more about marketing and communication - with
>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>> own business processes) and a CRM application (which is by most
>>>>>>> perceived
>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> SFA).
>>>>>>> In my opinion the CRM/SFA should be the starting point for getting
>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> info of an account/prospect/customer regarding:
>>>>>>> Opportunities,
>>>>>>> Request
>>>>>>> Orders
>>>>>>> Contacts
>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>> When the page of an account is shown the focus should also be on how
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> contact the account (contact mechs) and the associated contacts
>>>>>>> (showing
>>>>>>> phone and email contact mechs).
>>>>>>> The SFA officials should be able to create, read, update and delete
>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>> But also security solutions should be up to specs.
>>>>>>> I also think that the starterpage of SFA should have some charts
>>>>>>> showing
>>>>>>> the pipeline of all account opportunities (maybe that is some
>>>>>>> BI-functionality). This functionality could then also be shown on the
>>>>>>> profile of the account., including showing total value of sales of
>>>>>>> YtD,
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> last year.
>>>>>>> It's the simple things that make it (life also) better to bear.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Pierre
>>>>>>> PS Could you (and others) also comment on my email regarding Market
>>>>>>> Segment
>>>>>>> & Sales Segment?
>>>>>>> 2009/10/20 Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
>>>>>>> Hi Pierre,
>>>>>>>  Yes it sounds like a reasonnable requirement to me. Some of the
>>>>>>>> problems
>>>>>>>> we get when trying to convince prospects to use OFBiz is
>>>>>>>> that they want something like SugarCRM. Almost all is there, but not
>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>> easy as in SugarCRM...
>>>>>>>> I guess that's why Opentaps was created in the 1st place, because Si
>>>>>>>> quickly identified the need and filled it. BTW, I think we miss
>>>>>>>> after sales features in OFBiz (like tokens in SugarCRM). This could
>>>>>>>> certainly be implemented using what exists already in OFBiz (ie
>>>>>>>> we don't need much changes in the data model if any, using
>>>>>>>> workeffort
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> instance) but has still to be done at the UI level.
>>>>>>>> A prospective customer (French international enterprise of middle
>>>>>>>> size)
>>>>>>>> told me recently that he would prefer to have an easier to use
>>>>>>>> SFA/CRM than an accounting module, because he has already his own
>>>>>>>> accouting system and do not want to change.
>>>>>>>> Also he wondered how much changes would be implied if ever he would
>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>> to change, because he think the accouting module is
>>>>>>>> formated to US practices. I don't think so (I think it's general
>>>>>>>> enough
>>>>>>>> and may be quickly adapted) but as I have not worked much
>>>>>>>> with the OFBiz accouting system yet, I had not much arguments to
>>>>>>>> expose,
>>>>>>>> and was not even quite sure of them. So I ask accouting specialists
>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>> is your point of view on this aspect ?
>>>>>>>> My 2cts
>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>> From: "Pierre Smits" <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>  Hi All,
>>>>>>>> Shouldn't requests, quotes and the like be visible from the SFA
>>>>>>>>> Manager?
>>>>>>>>> And
>>>>>>>>> should users be also able to create new requests, quotes e.a. from
>>>>>>>>> there?
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Pierre

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