Having it as a special purpose app, does not mean that you couldn't use it in other apps. Keeping them separate really depends on the design and how they'd be utilized - both independently or as a part of ecommerce. Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing more ideas around how it might be used so that that decision can be made.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Nov 25, 2009, at 12:38 PM, David E Jones wrote:

On Nov 25, 2009, at 6:18 AM, Abdullah Shaikh wrote:

I think Tim is right in saying it should be an another special purpose app.,

Where to put it depends on how people want to use it. For example, if you want to be able to build a site that has a mix or purchase and auction items then having it developed as separate apps would be rather inconvenient.

On the other hand, if they were developed as a single application and items showed based on configuration then it would still be easy to have sites that do only purchase or auction items.


but when I read that "just the product using a different pricing type called e.g. "AUCTION" or "BID", I was confused ..and didn't thought on it much as I
was busy with some other issues.

But what I feel is it will be better if we can have another component for
auction, as the it can get quite complicated

The reasons why I fee this is :

1) Recenlty there was a mail from someone regarding the entities created it database, I mean if someone is not using Auction, than too there will be entities related to Auction, I guess we can avoid this by having this as a separate component, if not required the user can just not load the component

2) This will keep the Auction this separate, I guess this would avoid
unnecessary complexity in ecommerce

3) I don't know if the effort has started, but there was a discussion on
making the components independent & using maven script.

Can't think of any more points :)

As you will be developing the Auction thing, I guess, from scratch, it will
be better if we keep these things in mind.

Above all are my thoughts, maybe I am missing something or have not paid
much attention to details.

Let me know your thoughts ... I guess these points applies to all new
components that we will be making in future.


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Carsten Schinzer <c.schin...@googlemail.com

Hm. Actually, It's rather a specific service I would think, than a full

It could be integrated into the regular shop approach, i.e. catalogue of products, just the product using a different pricing type called e.g.
Well this is just thinking aloud to be honest. I have no good insight yet into the pricing mechanisms offered, but I thought it's rather an extension
to that.

More thoughts welcome! Abhijeet, what is the algorithm that you will
require? E-Bay-style?



2009/11/24 Tim Ruppert <tim.rupp...@hotwaxmedia.com>

Seems like an interesting feature to add to the system for sure -
another special purpose app, eh?

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Nov 24, 2009, at 11:01 AM, Carsten Schinzer wrote:


Funny that you ask. Did I not just send out the very same inquiry to the
list on Friday 20th?
I wonder whether that mail has ever gotten to the list.

Can anyone just quickly feed back to me whether that email ever left my
system here?

BTW Abhijeet, I would be interested to participate in coding efforts if
required. I would need a non-ebay-type auction pricing, i.e. not a
time-bound deadline for bids.

Moreover it would be good to also integrate a "directional"
i.e. not only allowing to bid higher prices but actually also lower ones
(e.g. to get the best price for a certain offering).

Thanks & regards


2009/11/24 Jacopo Cappellato <jacopo.cappell...@hotwaxmedia.com>

As far as I know, apart from the eBay integration, there is not
ready out of the box.

Kind regards,


On Nov 24, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Abhijeet Pandey wrote:


Can any body guide me that if ofbiz offers inbuilt auction engine ?

Abhijeet Pandey



Carsten Schinzer

Waisenhausstr. 53a
80637 München



Carsten Schinzer

Waisenhausstr. 53a
80637 München

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