
The point I'm trying to make is that your whole approach is childish, and a bit 
insulting since you are trying to goad people into action by appealing to some 
sort of pride and implied responsibility instead of just asking for help. In 
the process yes, you are spreading misinformation, and it often goes beyond 
that into disinformation too.

And now you accuse me of not caring enough about the project?

Please lookup the definition of a "troll" and try to understand that both of 
these approaches fall under that more general behavior.

The best way to respond to trolling is to do exactly the opposite of what I'm 
doing now (ie to simply ignore the messages and not respond). I hope this is 
clear to you, because there is no more general benefit to this discussion, and 
I don't intend to discuss it further regardless of any accusations or 
disinformation you throw out.

And yes, now I wish I had been mature enough to simply not reply in the first 
place... :( I apologize to others on the list.


On Jan 12, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:

> Hi David:
> I'm sorry you feel that way. Meaning, I'm really sorry that you don't care 
> enough about this project to stand by what you believe in. If I'm spreading 
> misinformation, then, by all means, help us all understand. Don't just take 
> your "toys" and go home. If you are the font of all wisdom that is OFBiz, 
> then, please be gracious enough to share. I for one am always willing to 
> listen and learn.
> Regards,
> Ruth
> David E Jones wrote:
>> No thanks. I honestly feel no need to prove you wrong, and my guess is that 
>> most others on this list are mature enough to feel similarly.
>> It is unfortunate that disinformation is allowed to stand, but I'm 
>> definitely over my inclination to "own" that and assume some sort of 
>> responsibility for it.
>> -David
>> On Jan 12, 2010, at 11:46 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>> HI David:
>>> I am always willing to admit when I'm wrong. Please, David, prove me wrong. 
>>> Please, publicly correct every piece of misinformation I have ever stated 
>>> as fact. Use this or any other forum as you see fit.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ruth
>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>> Find me on the web at or Google keyword "myofbiz"
>>> David E Jones wrote:
>>>> It's so cute that you think that by throwing out possibly (or hopefully?) 
>>>> incorrect information that someone else will step up and do the research 
>>>> just to have the pleasure of proving you wrong. Good luck with that.
>>>> It seems like when you do this, especially the last few times, you just 
>>>> spread disinformation as a fact and it never gets corrected. I'm guessing 
>>>> that's not your intent, but it is the effect.
>>>> -David
>>>> On Jan 12, 2010, at 11:30 AM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sarah:
>>>>> Not really.
>>>>> But then again, someone on this list always proves me wrong ;-)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ruth
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Find me on the web at or Google keyword "myofbiz"
>>>>> sgrossman wrote:
>>>>>> Is there step by step instructions somewhere on  setting up the 
>>>>>> restricting
>>>>>> login to a store?
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> Sarah
>>>>>> David E Jones-4 wrote:
>>>>>>> OOTB there is no support for this on a product-level, so you'd have to
>>>>>>> implement that based on whatever designs you might want.
>>>>>>> What is supported is restricting login to a store and restricting which
>>>>>>> products are in that store (through the catalog).
>>>>>>> There is also support for price variations for different customers and
>>>>>>> groups of customers.
>>>>>>> -David
>>>>>>> On Jan 11, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Sarah Grossman wrote:
>>>>>>>> Can someone please point me to the documentation on how to restrict 
>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>> products are viewable to which users.  I am using version 09.04
>>>>>>>> Ideally when a user hits  /ecommerce/
>>>>>>>> a user will see
>>>>>>>> 1. products that have no restrictions.
>>>>>>>> 2. products that only have restrictions (roles/permission/party -- not
>>>>>>>> sure which to set) that the user also has.
>>>>>>>> Is this possible out of the box? If not, do I need to add a security
>>>>>>>> group to a product, add security group to a party and then update the
>>>>>>>> code in CategoryServices to filter out products...or is there a better
>>>>>>>> way to approach this?
>>>>>>>> I have seen instructions on here about restricting a catalog, but
>>>>>>>> following the steps did not result in the expected behavior. I only saw
>>>>>>>> products that were in a catalog associated to the store).
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> Sarah
>>>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>>>> Nothing contained in this message or in any attachment shall 
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>>>>>>>> contract or electronic signature under the Electronic Signatures in
>>>>>>>> Global and National Commerce Act, any version of the Uniform Electronic
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>>>>>>>> transactions.                               

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