Hi BJ,
sorry but what I meant for "configuration" is different from what I
see you addressed in these jiras.
For configuration I mean a defined set of components that are supposed
to work without any other component in the installation.


2010/2/7 BJ Freeman <bjf...@free-man.net>:
> both Hans and I have been working on configuration
> Hans is in the trunk. I have yet to get mine put in the Jira.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-636
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-635
> Bruno Busco sent the following on 2/7/2010 12:38 AM:
>> Chris,
>> I think we should at first concentrate into enforcing a components
>> dependency hierarchy.
>> This is my plan:
>> We should select  "core" or "framework" components that are the
>> minimum must be installed in order to have a running OFBiz.
>> Then we should say: "additional component A can be installed if
>> componentd B is installed also", "component C can be installed if A
>> and B are installed"
>> Having this in place will let us define some "OFBiz configurations"
>> that should run properly according to the design.
>> For instance:
>> Configuration 1 -> Only the "core" components
>> Configuration 2 -> Core components + component A and B
>> Configuration 3 -> Core components + components A, B and C
>> Every configuration should be automatically built by BuildBot so that
>> we continuously check if unwanted dependencies are added in the
>> codebase.
>> When all this will be in place we can further work to a greater
>> components separation.
>> If we agree with this could we work toghether identifying the configurations?
>> The excel sheet I have uploaded here
>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Framework-only+distribution
>> can be used as a tool for this.
>> What do you think about?
>> -Bruno
>> 2010/2/7 Christopher Snow <sno...@snowconsulting.co.uk>:
>>> Also, splitting components down into small functional areas could have the
>>> benefit that if you just want WorkEffort core + parties, you wouldn't get
>>> the UI contributions from WorkEffort fixed assets.
>>> Development would be more difficult as you would be working across multiple
>>> files.  However, maybe the eclipse ofbiz IDE could provide a consolidated
>>> view?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Chris
>>> Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>> Good work Bruno!  I'm putting some thought into the dependency issues - I
>>>> will provide some more feedback when I have a clearer view.  However, my
>>>> current view is this:
>>>> 1) Developers should be able have a standalone framework
>>>> 2) Developers should be able to install components to meet certain
>>>> functional areas without having to install most of the other components.
>>>>  E.g. install WorkEffort as a standalone component without having to 
>>>> install
>>>> Accounting, Party management, etc.
>>>> The current implementation of ofbiz does not support (2) without breaking
>>>> each component up into a number of smaller modules such as:
>>>> WorkEffortCore module (has no external dependency)
>>>> WorkEffortFixedAsset module (requires FixedAsset core module)
>>>> WorkEffortParties module (requires Party core module)
>>>> Option (2) would give maximum reuse of code and would facilitate
>>>> developers in learning ofbiz as they would only need to focus on the
>>>> business processes within those modules.
>>>> Anyway, I'm going to play around with the above concept when I have
>>>> time...
>>>> Bruno Busco wrote:
>>>>> The complete url for the confluence page is:
>>>>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Framework-only+distribution
>>>>> 2010/2/6 Bruno Busco <bruno.bu...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> I have updated the framework-only confluence page with an excel sheet
>>>>>> that we could use to track the dependecies issue down.
>>>>>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/download/attachments/9373097/OFBIZ+COMP+DEPENDENCIES.xls?version=1
>>>>>> Hope this helps. It is not yet completed.
>>>>>> Please fille free to contribute to update it.
>>>>>> The black "X" are dependecies that we want in the code base.
>>>>>> The red "X" are dependencies that are there but should not.
>>>>>> -Bruno
>>>>>> 2010/2/6 Matt Warnock <mwarn...@ridgecrestherbals.com>:
>>>>>>> On Fri, 2010-02-05 at 23:42 -0800, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>>>>>>> Chris,
>>>>>>>> Framework independence has been a goal for quite a while. There is no
>>>>>>>>  disagreement that the framework should run on its own. The
>>>>>>>>  disagreements arise in what constitutes the framework.
>>>>>>>> Let's assume for a moment that framework independence means running
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>  components in the framework folder independently from anything else
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>  OFBiz. Right away the problem with that idea is that visual themes
>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>  in a separate folder outside the framework folder. Does framework
>>>>>>>>  independence include the visual themes folder? That has not been
>>>>>>>>  discussed. Then there are the multitude of dependencies upon the
>>>>>>>>  applications folder.
>>>>>>> I'm a newbie here, but I have a lot of gray hair.  Seems like trying to
>>>>>>> separate dependencies by folder or subject matter is an exercise doomed
>>>>>>> to failure.
>>>>>>> TCP/IP has taken over the world because it has a clear model based on
>>>>>>> separate layers (the 7-layer OSI model).  Changes on one level (like
>>>>>>> 10-base-T, to 100baseTX to Gigabit to 802.11a/b/g/n) don't affect the
>>>>>>> rest.  Likewise, you can use LDAP, NIS, DNS, /etc/hostnames, or other
>>>>>>> means to map IP addresses to hostnames at the application layer--
>>>>>>> TCP/IP
>>>>>>> doesn't care.
>>>>>>>> From my perspective, achieving this objective will require a two
>>>>>>>>  pronged approach: 1) Identify the framework dependencies on outside
>>>>>>>>  components, and 2) avoid introducing new framework dependencies on
>>>>>>>>  outside components.
>>>>>>> This assumes the "framework" is the lowest level.  If the framework
>>>>>>> depends on outside components, then the hierarchy has been upset, and
>>>>>>> spaghetti dependencies are the inevitable result.  Dependencies HAVE to
>>>>>>> be unidirectional, or you never get out of the maze.  IMHO, the biggest
>>>>>>> problem with MVC is that it has never seemed to me that the layers are
>>>>>>> very well defined.  Everything seems pretty interdependent, and you
>>>>>>> quickly get into a rock/paper/scissors kind of analysis, as you
>>>>>>> describe.
>>>>>>> Is there a comprehensible map of the layers in OFBiz?  All I have seen
>>>>>>> is very detailed charts that seem to obfuscate, rather than clarify,
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> relationships of the various modules.  But I'm sure I have not seen
>>>>>>> everything.  Is there a 30,000-foot overview of the software levels?
>>>>>>>> The first prong can be accomplished through contributions from people
>>>>>>>>  like you - find the dependencies and create patches to fix them.
>>>>>>>> The responsibility of the second prong is up to the committers. We
>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>  to be more vigilant to guard against introducing new dependencies.
>>>>>>> Which requires a clear model of what layer the code under consideration
>>>>>>> belongs to, and what are the well-defined layers below it that can be
>>>>>>> dependencies.
>>>>>>>> Personally I believe it will be possible, BUT it won't be easy. The
>>>>>>>>  obstacles to overcome will be getting people to contribute to the
>>>>>>>>  effort, and getting committers to avoid introducing new dependencies.
>>>>>>> Again, I think we need to reduce the learning curve by providing clear
>>>>>>> maps.  You shouldn't need to know everything to be able to contribute
>>>>>>> meaningful and error-free code.
>>>>>>>> -Adrian
>>>>>>>> --- On Fri, 2/5/10, Christopher Snow <sno...@snowconsulting.co.uk>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> From: Christopher Snow <sno...@snowconsulting.co.uk>
>>>>>>>>> Subject: what a mess! is framework independence ever going to be
>>>>>>>>> possible?
>>>>>>>>> To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
>>>>>>>>> Date: Friday, February 5, 2010, 10:58 PM
>>>>>>>>> I'm back to the process of working
>>>>>>>>> out how to get a standalone framework running based on
>>>>>>>>> trunk, but I have found that the dependencies have got out
>>>>>>>>> of hand (if I've understood the code right):
>>>>>>>>> Framework  depends on Themes
>>>>>>>>> Themes depends on Content
>>>>>>>>> Content depends on Party
>>>>>>>>> The questions I'm starting to ask myself are:
>>>>>>>>> "Is is ever going to be possible to have framework
>>>>>>>>> independence in trunk?  Independence in 9.04 is
>>>>>>>>> relatively trivial (rewrite security screens) perhaps the
>>>>>>>>> most sensible thing would be to do a fork of 9.04 and then
>>>>>>>>> back port all framework related commits from trunk? "
>>>>>>>>> Any ideas anyone?
>>>>>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Matt Warnock <mwarn...@ridgecrestherbals.com>
>>>>>>> RidgeCrest Herbals, Inc.

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