I tried to download the training videos and the links there were still
broken as of this AM.  Are those coming over too?

On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 10:03 -0700, Tim Ruppert wrote:
> HotWax would love to donate these and the time that went into them from
>  David Jones, John Maw and Laurian Escalanti.  It's a great set of
>  information for people learning or using OFBiz - for those of you at
>  ApacheCon New Orleans, we were handing these out at the booth.
> Be warned that they haven't been updated in about a year, but they do
>  have a ton of useful information that will be an amazing jump start to
>  getting these efforts started up again.  David, just let me know where
>  you'd like them and I'll get them posted and the effort can again be
>  off to the races.
> Cheers,
> Ruppert
> --
> Tim Ruppert
> HotWax Media
> http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
> o:801.649.6594
> f:801.649.6595
> On Feb 7, 2010, at 2:31 PM, David E Jones wrote:
> > If people are interested in making diagrams there is some stuff build into 
> > OFBiz to export "eomodeld" files. That particular file format can be 
> > imported by a few tools, but mostly on the Mac (my preferred tool being 
> > OmniGraffle). Unfortunately the weeks I put into that code, organizing the 
> > entities into groups, and then creating and organizing diagrams for the 
> > groups, was done while I was part of Hotwax Media so I don't actually have 
> > any rights to the diagrams any more, and I'm not sure what the situation is 
> > with them (a Hotwax rep would have to answer that I guess).

Matt Warnock <mwarn...@ridgecrestherbals.com>
RidgeCrest Herbals, Inc.

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