
I am a beginner in java. This is a very new area to me.I want to configure
POS with ofbiz.

The details are as follows

My OS is Windows Vista Home Premium SP1

I have installed ofbiz4.0 in the folder C:\workspace\ofbiz4.0

jdk1.6.0_18 folder is in the folder  C:\java\jdk1.6.0_18

Epson 1.11.9 is in the  folder  C:\Program Files\Epson is 1.11.9

How do i open POS - order entry and all other  windows in apache web
server?  What is the command using for that  ?

I have configured opentaps in my system. I am using the below url to open
the opentaps crm


Similar way how do i open POS s/w in apache server?What should be the link
for opening that?

I am running the POS in ofbiz using the following command in the command
prompt  startofbiz -pos ( pls find the screen shot for that command)

But i dont know how to view the UI section.

Pls help me..I am very new to this section(in java and ERP). Its very urgent

Pls do needful.

Pls help me. If this is not the correct place for the help, pls send me the
correct mail id

Thanks in advance,

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