Hi Chris

With all due respect, your desire to replace the entity engine with hibernate 
exhibits a serious lack of understanding of one of OFBiz's core design 
philosophies.  This has been discussed many times so I don't want to rehash the 
debate here but I do strongly suggest that you search the mailing lists for 
discussions pertaining to hibernate and ORM in general.


HotWax Media

On 26/02/2010, at 8:32 AM, Christopher Snow wrote:

> Hi Jacques,
> Thanks for the comments.
> Not sure how grails handles extension of artifacts (except that Controllers 
> and Services are classes so theoretically could be extended).
> Grails only needs to be restarted when the hibernate definitions have changed 
> (I think). Controller and Service changes are dynamically reloaded in 
> development mode without a restart.
> Grails has:  |"grails create-app helloworld" which is the equivalent of 
> creating an ofbiz component.
> In ofbiz, I always have to jump into the ofbiz code, even if its just to 
> configure it (e.g. data sources).  In grails, the component configuration is 
> done in the component itself.  I would never expect you to modify the core 
> grails code and create patches to ship with your application - this is a big 
> disadvantage with ofbiz.
> Please don't think I'm giving ofbiz a hard time.  Don't forget, I'm 
> interested in creating a standalone ofbiz framework (which would be 
> especially useful for my current government client), but I'm not sure that 
> the framework on it's own carrys any benefits compared to grails.  It's the 
> business applications that give ofbiz the most advantage.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> |
> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> And one of the most important thing but not obvious in OFBiz,  extension and 
>> reutilisation of artifacts.
>> From hot-deploy, you can build your own applicaiton based on the trunk (or 
>> release but I'd recommend trunk for easier update later) without touching 
>> much of OFBiz itself. If you handle it right you may end with a couple of 
>> small patches. There are even small tools around, see ant - p, to deal with 
>> hat. This is where is the real OFBiz expertise, it takes some time to 
>> understand and use...
>> Also OFBiz is *great* when it comes to *not* compile, reboot, compile, 
>> reboot, compile, reboot, compile, reboot, compile, reboot, compile, reboot, 
>> OK you see...
>> Jacques
>> From: "Ruth Hoffman" <rhoff...@aesolves.com>
>>> Hi Jacopo:
>>> IMO, one should always give positive affirmations when responding to posts 
>>> like these. OFBiz has plenty of great things we can say that shouldn't 
>>> require much effort on your part to comment on:
>>> How about the seamless and transparent database support by way of the 
>>> Entity Engine?  If you want to develop an application or implement ERP, 
>>> then you don't need to worry about the database. You don't need to stress 
>>> over whether to use Hiberanate or JDO or native SQL or whatever the latest 
>>> database technology fad happens to be. The EE is here, its proven and best 
>>> of all I don't have to deal with it! I can get on to developing my 
>>> applications.
>>> Or the really cool Service Engine that lets me write reusable code. Java or 
>>> otherwise!
>>> Or all the framework tools that have been integrated and proven. Everything 
>>> from Internationalization and localization support to XML document 
>>> handling. (Personally, I'm tired of having to integrate XML parsers every 
>>> time I need that functionality in an application.)
>>> How hard is it to list some of these features? Take the "high road".
>>> Ruth
>>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>> On Feb 26, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>>> Hey come on Jacopo - overall I'm actually trying to promote the use of 
>>>>> ofbiz.  I've invested a considerable amount of time in it.
>>>>> I was hoping that my question would get ofbiz supporters to list some of 
>>>>> the benefits of ofbiz over grails.
>>>> Eh eh... this time your attempt will not help you to get easy information 
>>>> (at least from me): you will have to do your own research :-)
>>>> Jacopo
>>>>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>>>>>> On Feb 26, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>>>>>> I can't think of anything other than this that the ofbiz framework 
>>>>>>>> provides that grails doesn't.
>>>>>> If you are blind, all you can see is darkness.
>>>>>> Jacopo

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