I think the Key is constructive criticism.

Yes ofbiz is a mammoth for those that use lesser programs and want a
quick solution.
so what is a solution, then we have a constructive criticism.
Both Hans and I have been working on such a solution with built-in
configuration scripts.

Yes ofbiz is complex. It is a generic answer to many areas of business.
only manufacturing and Ecommerce are in the SVN but there is yet Health
care, Telecommunication, insurance, Financial services,Professionals
services, and Travel(though Hans has addressed this)
This come form the Data model Book II.

I have identified and designed many more

Now you can find applications that may work for one of these areas but
not one that will work for all these areas. the target application would
take a lot more to be able to cover what ofbiz does and therefor be as
mammoth in effort.

For my end Users, the way we overcome the learning curves is I setup a
list of Book marks that each person uses in their daily work. That is my
job as the consultant.

The one commercial application that I think is equivalent to ofbiz is
SAP. Even they are having problems related to their product.
However they also charge a subscription fee to support their product. It
is quite hefty so only large companies can afford their product.

So if you going to Identify a weakness in ofbiz, which there are many,
also Identify a solution and path to accomplish it.

I hesitate to suggest the Jira, since it is geared to this, but also
research the methods that have been laid out by David as to addressing

For those that would like to real time chat
IRC irc.freenode.net #ofbiz
if I am there I be glad to provide anyone the text copy of the discussion.

lets work together for solutions.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation 
Specialtymarket.com <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Christopher Snow sent the following on 3/1/2010 8:28 AM:
> To turn this into a positive, perhaps we need somewhere on the wiki
> where we catalog the issues of the community? that way we won't need to
> keep fighting these battles.  This shouldn't become an area for slating
> ofbiz, it shown be used to document actual issues and what is happening
> to resolve them.
> At the moment, every one has their own opinion what is best for ofbiz. 
> However, we all agree that ofbiz needs more people interested in it -
> let's find out what users/developers really want from ofbiz?  How about
> putting the ofbiz survey to use?  Ruth is right, we should listen to our
> customers, especially those that are disheartened.
> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> I agree with Jacopo,
>> On the other hand it's also true that Chris try to help and is tossing
>> around some interesting ideas (OSGI, etc.).
>> So if we could have only this good relation it would be better for
>> everybody I think...
>> My 2cts
>> Jacques

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