Hi ScottA:
Sounds like the demo data is messed up. You will get that message when there isn't a default price associated with a product. If you want to try and fix this, go to the Catalog Manager (http://ofbiz-vm.apache.org/catalog), login, and add a "default" price to the GZ-1001 product. While you are there, see if there isn't a price already associated with it. If there is, then something else is wrong. If not, try to add a price.

If you can successfully add a price, go back to the cart and try adding the GZ-1001 product to the cart. If, after adding the price to GZ-1001 you can add it to the cart, then you have verified there is a problem with the demo data.

Just a guess.
Find me on the web at http://www.myofbiz.com or Google keyword "myofbiz"

ScottA wrote:

While using the ecommerce demo at
http://ofbiz-vm.apache.org/ecommerce/control/main and trying to add
something to my cart I get the following error message;

Could not find a valid price for the product with ID [GZ-1001], not adding
to cart.

I have tried many different items but end with the same result.


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