JIRA says we have this in progress:

I guess there is more.
I have created the "Release Candidate Branch 10.04" version in JIRA.

We could schedule issues/tasks we want to include in the relase to this JIRA
version so that we all have a clear idea (and may be we could help).


2010/3/14 Anil Patel <anil.pa...@hotwaxmedia.com>

> Hi,
> We are approaching 10.04 date range.
> How is everybody feeling?
> Are we up for new release branch?
> Are we interested in completing some code changes before creating release
> branch? I mean if somebody has definite plans then it will not hurt to wait
> a bit.
> I will love to see release branch created towards end of March or beginning
> of April.
> Thanks and Regards
> Anil Patel
> HotWax Media Inc
> Find us on the web at www.hotwaxmedia.com or Google Keyword "ofbiz"
> On Feb 24, 2010, at 11:36 AM, Bruno Busco wrote:
> > I think that we are all close to the same idea.
> >
> > Only a little bit is missing:
> > what we call now "Release branch" should be renamed to "Release
> > Candidate branch".
> > This would mean that what is contained in that branch is somewhat that
> > is going through the release process (testing, bug fixing,
> > documenting, etc.) and so it is candidate to become a Release.
> >
> > When we are happy with the tests done on the RC branch we will tag the
> > branch and create the real Release.
> > The bug fixing on the RC branch can continue and when we rae happy
> > again we can tag it again.
> >
> > What is the issue on doing this?
> > Isn't it the standard way to handle releases?
> >
> > About releases, branches and tags names:
> > I propose to use a name as "RC_10.4" for the next release candidate
> branch.
> > After a while when no major issues will reported on this branch the
> > release can be done that is the "OFBIZ_10.4" tag can be done on the RC
> > branch.
> > After some bug fixes on the RC_10.4 branch we will tag it again as
> > "OFBIZ_10.4.1", "OFBIZ_10.4.2", etc.
> > The third number will mean that the release is actually a "mantained",
> > "bug fixed", release of the 10.4.
> >
> > Does this make sense?
> >
> > -Bruno
> >
> >
> > 2010/2/24 Matt Warnock <mwarn...@ridgecrestherbals.com>:
> >> On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 08:22 +0100, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
> >>> Are you planning to fix them or to donate some resources (developers
> and/or money) in order to fix them? Or are you asking other to do this?
> >>> BTW, do you really think that commercial or open source releases are
> done when companies think there are no bugs? Really?
> >>
> >> Well in my experience it is unusual for most software, and it isn't
> >> often in Debian (once about 4 years between releases), but yes, that is
> >> EXACTLY when a new Debian Stable is released.  :)
> >>
> >> --
> >> Matt Warnock <mwarn...@ridgecrestherbals.com>
> >> RidgeCrest Herbals, Inc.
> >>
> >>

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