Thanks for the quick answer.

I have allocated 2GB of memory, so it's not a case. The problem is that
I work on huge data sets. Version is 10.4 but 9.04 is has the same code.
I have ommited those informations 'couse as you see - it's not relevant
to the topic.

I don't understand your last assumption. Maybe it will someting in my

For now I think the best would be to improve the code I have proposed as
it fixes:
1) My issues
2) Coding way of selecting everything to get a couple of categories.

So, thats why I asked about:

> 1) How to implement Right/Left joins on DynamicViewEntity 
(I was able to find out how to creat inner join only)
> > 2) How to implement my whereString 
(Haven't found in a code such a use case)



Dnia 2010-08-17, wto o godzinie 07:54 -0700, BJ Freeman pisze:
> as far as performance how much memory have you allocated to ofbiz?
> what version of ofbiz are you using?
> There is a top Category that should be checked for first.
> have not been in that part of the code for a while.
> Michał Cukierman sent the following on 8/17/2010 7:41 AM:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a problem with performence (and Out of Memmory Issue) with
> > catalog management module. There is a section invoked after
> > Choose Top Category
> >
> > Collection<GenericValue>  allCategories =
> > delegator.findList("ProductCategory", null, null, null, null, false);
> > for (GenericValue curCat: allCategories) {
> >     Collection<GenericValue>  parentCats =
> > curCat.getRelatedCache("CurrentProductCategoryRollup");
> >
> >   if (parentCats.isEmpty())
> >     results.add(curCat);
> > }
> >
> > As we see. To get categories without parents we need to fetch for all
> > categories and for each of them, find a parent.
> >
> > I do not know Ofbiz api very well for now, so I have implemented:
> > EntityWhereString where =
> > EntityCondition.makeConditionWhere("PRODUCT_CATEGORY.PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID
> > not in" +
> > Set<String>  fieldsToSelect = FastSet.newInstance();
> >                     fieldsToSelect.add("productCategoryId");
> >                     results.addAll(delegator.findList("ProductCategory", 
> > where,
> > fieldsToSelect, null, null, false));
> >
> >
> > I simply do invoke a SQL query in the database:
> >
> >
> > Is there a way ( for sure is ) to implement it in a better manner? For
> > now it works on my system, but after improving the query it could be
> > passed to a production.
> >
> > So I got two questions in fact:
> >
> > 1) How to implement Right/Left joins on DynamicViewEntity
> > 2) How to implement my whereString
> >
> >
> > Thank you in advance,
> >
> >

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