The focal point of the thread was when someone, not knowledgeable, downloads ofbiz how much should they know before using it.

currently the Demo allows someone to run obiz to see how it works, however derby is not a production db and the db needs to be changed.

creating tables on the fly is not the issue, since that is a standard Database function. Also Hibernate uses only one database. Ofbiz uses something similar to JPA so that is not the issue.

It is determining which database use, then installing the proper data Production (seed and ext). So the default db (derby) can be used for Demo data. However if you use mysql, postgres or any of the others that requires setup of the entityengine.xml. If you running in ofbiz under a setup program this requires a restart of ofbiz. At this point in ofbiz development, the Build.xml provides the ability to generate this, after manually setting up the entityengine.xml

The added step that is not present in ofbiz for setup is to transfer the setup that has been generated so far in derby to the new database that had been initialize.

So one question is for Releases do we want to have them as demos.
if yes it is a no brainier to compile and load the datga like is done for the nightly builds.
However when you switch to production requires a lot of configuration.
Though ofbiz has developed a framework for setup, it is far from doing all that is necessary.

Having a binary only though is a different story. the Only compiled executable code that makes the jars, is java. However the minilang is interpreted on the fly and can not be removed as well as the FTL template for Widgets.

BJ Freeman  <>
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  
<>  <>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Raj Saini sent the following on 8/26/2010 2:07 AM:
There are plenty of applications around now a days. Technologies like
JPA, Hibernate allows creation of tables on the fly. Take example of
Liferay Portal Server and it gives you a portal configured with demo data.



On 26/08/10 13:19, BJ Freeman wrote:
can you name me a project that has the option to load demo data or
Seed (production data). for that mater can you show me a app that
initializes the db structure, as ofbiz does?

as far a ant, the effort should be to move installation into the Setup
component, with screens to ask you which setup you want, production or
demo. it should lead you through the technical setup.

Then you have the setup for the type of business one runs.

so first you use derby to do initial setup then after you setup the
Entityengine.xml the setup to that stage is transferred to the new db.
however ofbiz would, first, need to do a cold reboot and initialize
the new DB.
Oh yes this setup is usually running on a remote server.

feel free to contribute.

BJ Freeman <>
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
<> <>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man
Raj Saini sent the following on 8/25/2010 8:28 PM:

Should it not be possible to load the demo or seed data without using
Ant? It think it is possible using or startofbiz.bat file.

Most of the other Apache project provides a binary only and source only
releases. And this reduces the size of the tar balls and people can
download what suite them better. Problem with OFBiz is there is a no
binary only distribution as compiled code stays within the source in
build folder. Ideally, all compiled jars should be moved out to lib
after building the jars. This should be possible by tweaking the build
scripts. I have this in my mind for long and hopefully, I will get some
time soon and work on it.



On 26/08/10 04:15, BJ Freeman wrote:
lets assume for a moment that the jar files are provided.
and they do a startofbiz
what will happen?
lots of errors and support as now.
Ok lets assume we also install the demo data.
now we are ask how to remove the demo data and install for production.

ofbiz is not the standard App you find.
In my opinion, the way it is setup up the basic question like started
this thread, can be answered by pointing people to the correct docs.

Until there is sufficient documentation to take someone through every
single step with diagram and screen shots, as wall as a end-user FAQ.
we will have support questins. Oh wait Microsoft spends thousand of
Dollars to do this for Word yet everyday they get support calls from
new users on how to setup.

why you could even write another book about it.

BJ Freeman <>
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
<> <>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Ruth Hoffman sent the following on 8/25/2010 1:23 PM:
Hi Jacques,

Now that you've brought up the topic, I wonder why most of the
other ASF
projects provide jar files with their distributions? In fact, most
others provide jar (or other binary) files as the primary and first
download link that you find when navigating to the project's ASF

Just curious as to how someone here came up with the current
interpretation of the ASF rules on releases and then went ahead and
organized the "official" download page as it stands today.


Jacques Le Roux wrote:
To be more clear, it's induced by ASF rules on releases


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <>
Thanks for your support BJ!


From: "BJ Freeman" <>
the reason the nightly builds were hidden is for the very reason
express, they are for testing and debugging not for official
I gave you the link to them. I use them for the demo-trunk that I

Ruth Hoffman sent the following on 8/25/2010 9:57 AM:
Hi BJ:

Perhaps, but as recently as 4 months ago - one could go to the
"official" download page and get a build already packaged with
the jar
files and the seed data loaded. (Personally, I don't care what
build was called. It existed and was easy to find by following the
download links). I wrote extensively about it for some time.
Then, one
day, I went to the "official" download site and lo-and-behold -
had changed. Too bad because the fact that stuff was already
and ready to go was a great selling point.

All I can say is that if I was a little surprised at the turn of
I can only imagine what potential users without much exposure
to how
things are done here, would think.

Anyhow, it doesn't really matter.

BJ Freeman wrote:
Ruth I think your confusing the Nightly builds

with the Final Release( .

the Final release has not changed it format. it is the code
minus all
the svn tags for versioning. it also has a check sum to validate
downloaded the full zip file.

up till the final release of 9.04(zip) there were only the
branch and
nigthly builds.
The Branch is source code only and access via the svn.
the nightly builds are compiled and have the demo data loaded.
as you can see you can pick dates of nightly builds.

BJ Freeman <>
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
<> <>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Ruth Hoffman sent the following on 8/25/2010 7:58 AM:
Hi Laxmiraghu:
Unfortunately, the project recently decided to change the way
OFBiz is
distributed. And, they pretty much forgot to tell anyone. The
is no longer part of the distribution as it was as recently as 6
ago. You MUST now build OFBiz prior to startup. The build
process as
described in various locations around the community will create
all the
necessary jar files.

For more information on this including very simple build
you may download my free document "How To Get OFBiz Code

BTW, inclusion of the necessary jar files could change any day
since the
decision to do such things appear to be arbitrarily arrived out
by the
project commiters or whoever is responsible for setting up the

Good luck.

Ruth Hoffman

laxmiraghu wrote:
Recently i downloaded ofbiz 9.04 version for windows.

I installed mysql and java 6 and set the JAVA_HOME variable.

I unpacked the ofbiz downloaded zip file to C drive. It
created a

As per the documentation, i went to the above directory and
'startofbiz.bat' command.

But it gave the following error message.
512M -jar ofbiz.jar
Unable to access jarfile ofbiz.jar

It's unable to find ofbiz.jar file.

I also searched for ofbiz.jar file in entire apache-ofbiz-09.04
folder. It's
not found.

Where can i find that file? Hope it's part of the downloaded

Please help.

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