Actually to access the online help it is necessary to be logged into OFBiz
(this is why I recently hided the help icon when not logged in).
Will the search engine spiders be able to scan it?

2010/8/29 BJ Freeman <>

> I had to check on my demo to verify that the Search engines do parse the
> Help in the Demo
> I see is good in two ways. One it will drive people to the demo.
> two it will show off the help system in ofbiz.
> Thought occurs to me we need to add links in the help to send someone to
> the proper place in ofbiz.
> =========================
> BJ Freeman  <>
> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  <
>  <>
> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> Sam Hamilton sent the following on 8/28/2010 7:52 PM:
>  Hi BJ,
>> My only worry about that is getting the search engines to index and then
>> rank the information if the only copy of the data is in the demo OFBiz.
>> I love the idea of having all the documents within a local deployment of
>> OFBiz but do you think its possible to copy them (imagining that they
>> are DocBook format or the such) and have a copy on
>> which would then hopefully give visibility on the search engines for
>> OFBiz searches - how many times have you searched for a wiki page that
>> you know exists but can't find it over all the other blog posts people
>> have created?
>> Sam
>> On 29/08/2010 08:48, BJ Freeman wrote:
>>> What I would like to see is the User Docs get migrated to the ofbiz help
>>> system and links in the wiki reference the help in the Trunk-Demo.
>>> this would accomplish a couple of things.
>>> 1)ofbiz could support it own user docs, in ofbiz
>>> 2)those that want to expand on their own distribution can do so, though
>>> I would hope they would provide the same back to ofbiz.
>>> =========================
>>> BJ Freeman<>
>>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation
>>> <>
>>> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
>>> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
>>> Sam Hamilton sent the following on 8/26/2010 8:54 PM:
>>>  Hi Guys,
>>>> I would like to bring up again trying to organise an effort to clean up
>>>> and better arrange our wiki spaces. Now that Confluence has been
>>>> upgraded to 3.2 we can now restrict access to pages based on groups [1]
>>>> so that the pages that should not be edited can stay that way and the
>>>> ones that are open can also be open all within the same space.
>>>> There are methods for moving pages from the space to space [2] or if we
>>>> want to leave a redirect from the old page to the new page then we could
>>>> either request a macro to be installed in Confluence [3] or otherwise
>>>> keep the old space and just write a note saying the content has moved
>>>> and give a link to the new page URL.
>>>> [1] -
>>>> [2] -
>>>> [3] -
>>>> Sam

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