Cool, but what is the genericValueName here in my case ? 
Here's the form definition:

    <form name="ListProducts" type="list" title="Products List" 
default-table-style="basic-table" odd-row-style="alternate-row" 
            <entity-condition entity-name="Product">
                <order-by field-name="internalName" />
            <service service-name="findPartiesById" result-map="myParty">
                <field-map field-name="idToFind" value="${manufacturerPartyId}" 
            <set field="manufacturerDescription" 
value="${['description']}" />
        <field name="internalName" title="Name">
            <hyperlink target="EditProduct?productId=${productId}"
                description="${internalName}" />
        <field name="manufacturerId" title="Manufacturer">
            <hyperlink description="${manufacturerDescription}" 
target="/partymgr/control/viewprofile" target-type="content">
                <parameter param-name="partyId" value="${manufacturerPartyId}" 

In other words, how do I refrence the current entity ? 
Thank you, Ravi

On Mon Sep 06,2010 02:12 pm, Ravindra Mandre wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Mansour Al Akeel
> <>wrote:
> > Ravi thank you.
> > I got it working. One thing is still missing, how do I extract the
> > variable name in the parameter ?  See the comments.
> >
> > <actions>
> >    <entity-condition entity-name="Product">
> >        <order-by field-name="internalName" />
> >            </entity-condition>
> >                <service service-name="findPartiesById"
> > result-map="myParty">
> >                 <!-- I have the value hard coded to 10000, but I want to
> >                use the manufacturerPartyId. -->
> >                 <field-map field-name="idToFind" value="10000" />
> >         </service>
> >    <set field="manufacturerDescription"
> > value="${['description']}" />
> > </actions>
> >
> >
> you have do field-map idToFind from genericValueName.manufacturePartyId   in
> from-field element and you job is done .
> Ravi

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