Chris I may be dense, but what dependencies do you see from the entity engine to the rest of ofbiz? I agree that from the rest of ofbiz the entity engine is core, and is to me the very reason that ofbiz is great. But from a framework point of view you can strip away the application and specialpurpose and build anything you want on top of the framework.
which is why it is called a framework.

outside of the base and supporting files in framework, you could probably reemove 50% of the framework and still have the entiy engine work.

So is it just a technical thing or is there really a gain in what you are saying?

Just trying to get a Grasp on what you goal and scope is.

chris snow sent the following on 9/18/2010 1:48 AM:
I'm sorry for pushing this off-track by mentioning hibernate. The important
point is that the technologies aren't important.  There are many
technologies that could be used for the entity engine, and as BJ has pointed
out, the ofbiz entity engine is very good. The problem for me is that the
entity engine is deeply interwined with the rest of ofbiz.  These
dependencies need to be managed.  Having a more modular ofbiz has advantages
for ofbiz as a whole and for each module.

On 18 Sep 2010 09:03, "BJ Freeman"<>  wrote:

One of the reason I came to ofbiz was to get away from the bloat of ORM.
if I read the modeler right that is swt based Gui which introduces a
communication layer back to the server, unlike ofbiz being generated on the
fly into html, from the server.

BTw I have a Commercial Swt Gui Generator and use it for my legacy apps I
converted to ofbiz, as well as the communications layer using JNL.

BJ Freeman

Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation<
james_sg sent the following on 9/18/2010 12:24 AM:

Hi all,

Apache Cayenne has the closest match to OFBiz Entity Engine.

A few points abo...

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