
Adrian Crum sent the following on 4/29/2012 2:04 AM:
On 4/28/2012 11:20 AM, BJ Freeman wrote:
Having adopted Ofbiz Model in 2002 for my business, I am both a User
and developer. the Developer was more forced, do to the attitude that
prevailed at the time.
A re-occurring theme I have heard over the years is that Ofbiz was
created to generate revenue for those developers that had an Ofbiz
email address that has been since moved to hotwax.

That is not an accurate description. OFBiz started out as a programming
project for a specific client, and that project was made open source.

Since then, many of the contributions made to OFBiz are driven by
clients who fund the development. Other contributions are volunteer
efforts (the refactorings I've done are an example).

Also that those that are first to contribute have the control of the
particular projecct, even if it does not fight the model ofbiz started

Maybe that is because the model changes over time. That is not a bad
thing. There are some things in the original OFBiz that were done wrong.
Should we keep them that way forever?

this is my main focus, I believe you confuse Model with implementation.
for instance, the model for rendering was that many forms of rendering could take the same parameters and generate different outputs. This just took defining the Rendering engine. this has been bypassed, so there is no easy way to remove or add rendering as one chooses.

Many contribute based on their background that corrupts the ofbiz
model, particularly how UI is created.

If you have something specific in mind, then please open a Jira issue
and provide a patch.

All these things and few other less significant attitudes has left me
no other choice than to not use the ofbiz repository as a source of
First I have a business to run, and the volatility of the Code does
not make it any easier to have dependable, Stable code base or
operation parameters.
Second the code base is used as a developer playground, not to service
the end user.

That phrase keeps popping up, but I have no idea what it means. I have
been involved with the project for 8 years, and I can't see where anyone
is using OFBiz as a "developer's playground." From my perspective, the
OFBiz developer community is composed of skilled professionals who work
hard to make OFBiz a stable, robust platform for web application
this I attribute to a different perspective about how to develop and provide updates. The biggest is there is not testing from beginning to end only testing a module with set fixed inputs, but not all those that the modules using it could generate. The effort to have migration process, so the upgrade path is easy for the end user. that code gets changes that any customization is make inert because the code it depended on is removed or changed to the level it will not work.

We review the commits for Ideas but implement them to fit the model we
started out with.
In my view there is no roadmap for ofbiz just a bunch of Kludges.
As you see I monitor the ML, but don't see any use in contributing.

Everyone can choose to curse the darkness or light a candle. From what I
recall, whenever you have been asked to provide a patch to address your
concerns, you create a Jira issue but don't provide a patch, or you make
an excuse why you can't be bothered. The bottom line is, you get out of
OFBiz what you put into it. So, if you're not getting anything out of

I since I branched from Ofbiz repository, where I have control, and I put effort into that, I am getting all I need. Though it is not possible to do that with the way ofbiz is managed currently.
I don't see trying to redo code that someone has put in and not fixed.
Like the way partyrelations was implemented in the HR component.
This again is about the model.

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