Hi Pierre,

I was just assuming that some old-school businesses (like I have 3+) would 
rather want to print out and 'snail mail' I.e. Use Post Service instead of 
e-mail (you won't believe how conservative people are getting over here these 
days ...)

The 'print queue' could very well be a Communication Event withint ofbiz 
assigning a print task to an agent who will print the invoices out, envbelope 
and carry to the Mail Office :)

... Just an Idea.



PS: I was really not imagining to enable a local print queue through the OFBIz 

Gesendet mit BlackBerry® Webmail von Telekom Deutschland  

-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre Smits <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 11:35:15 
To: <user@ofbiz.apache.org>; <c.schin...@googlemail.com>
Subject: Re: Process to remind sales invoice not paid


I agree that such a solution might be useful to organisations with large
volumes of invoices.

Question I have though is: how do we enable management of this solution?
Meaning, end users need to be able to setup (a) print queue(s) themselves.
Or did you have a programmatic solution in mind, whereby a system admin or
a programmers modifies a config file in the system?



2012/6/14 <c.schin...@googlemail.com>

> I would aproach this via a nightly job fetching all unaid invoices and
> sending a mail (or put a letter on a printer queue).
> Check Service Engine, ECAs and minilanguage to build that.
> That's "theory" so far. I need to build something very similar and I am
> about to implement.
> Any guidance from the more experienced is pf course appreciated:
> + where have respective ECAs already been defined?
> + is there a nice example lookup service defined in minlang that we could
> use to derive our respective ones?
> + where would I place related E-Mail (.ftl) and PDF (.fo.ftl) templates?
> Thanks for yozr comments.
> Regards
> Carsten
> ------Originalnachricht------
> Von: Nicolas Malin
> An:user@ofbiz.apache.org
> Antwort an:user@ofbiz.apache.org
> Betreff: Process to remind sales invoice not paid
> Gesendet: 14. Jun. 2012 09:20
> Hi,
> I checked with OFBiz if is possible to have a process to remind to a
> customer by letter an invoice that the due date is past and isn't paid.
> I don't found with ootb, this process exist in OFBiz ?
> Else I made on enhancement :
>  * Add an entity CommunicationEventInvoice
>  * Add entry menu Reminder Invoice on invoice menu when not paid and
> due date past
>  * Add screenlet on invoiceOverview to list all reminder do on this invoice
>  * Add print button to keep the letter to post
> Idea, When an accountant click on Reminder Invoice button, a service
> create a communicationEvent with reasonEnumId "REMINDER_INVOICE" and
> associate it with invoice. When you list all reminder, you list
> communicationEvent associate.
> The first version works only on one invoice, but it possible to improve
> with many invoice on one communication Event or use a dedicate screen to
> write a specific reminder.
> if it interests, I will open an issue
> Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas MALIN
> Consultant
> Tél :
> Site projet : http://www.neogia.org/
> -------
> Société LibrenBerry
> Tél :
> Site : http://www.librenberry.net/
> Gesendet mit BlackBerry® Webmail von Telekom Deutschland

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