What are the java memory settings for starting OFBiz?  Mine:

JAVA_VMOPTIONS="-Xms1280M -Xmx1524M -server -Xincgc"

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 8:14 AM, Deepak Agarwal <dagarwa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> We are expereicing frequent table locks for Shipping table , visit and
> server_hit table. Even with 3-4 users working we are getting gateway
> timeout because queries doesn't return . At db level it shows locked the
> table (and takes 40-50 sec to execute the update query).
> Servers are multi core, 8GB RAM, 10k RPM harddrive. I guess it is a good
> configuration. All the optimization has been done (like table cache
> increase, cache disable for ofbiz...etc).
> Any suggestions? Any body having the same problem ?
> --
> Thanks,
> Deepak Agarwal,

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