
My response was just to share our approach/technique. I wasn't expecting Skip, or anyone, to adopt BigFish ... I'm sure he has built out a complete system and to change tack was not the intent. Simply sharing an experience.

Anyway, it is an interesting topic and others have made some good points about targeting small devices. We spent some time thinking through this stuff -- what I really like about our approach is that it did not involve any back-end coding changes ... everything is managed in CSS and content. Not perfect, but great for what we're trying to do. And given the approach, it is easily extended to target different sized devices. All the same concepts can be applied, without any back-end changes. Given the base we have we'll be expanding the functionality to be more elegant and flexible over the coming months. The first implementation was to prove our approach/technique and to be able to demo something that works pretty well.

When it comes to responsive vs targeted, Robert G made a valid point about having a specific UI for small devices. This solves many problems such as image size (can be controlled), and general page size considerations, with specific functions for a small device user. However, I think we all realize that this is also a lot more work.

Responsive has a lot of traction and if done right can target all sorts of small devices. It has the drawback of having resources shown/hidden which can be a burden when using cell service to download pages. Big plus is that it's much easier to implement. I find it interesting trying to define "small device" -- is an iPad really a small device? Or is the regular interface workable?

I guess ultimately there is no one right way ... if small device does not play a large role in terms of traffic, but it's important as a strategy, then responsive is perfect. If small device is critical and special features are required to execute the strategy then targeted may be better. Pros and cons for both approaches with many nuances and considerations.

Our feeling was the former ... low traffic but important ... so responsive is perfect for us.

Best Regards,

Nick Rosser
O: 516.742.7888 x221
C: 516.901.1720

On 1/17/2013 5:35 AM, Paul Piper wrote:
As a follow-up:

The solution described in the bigfish link is very limited, so I don't
recommend to use or follow it. Basically, with the recommendation described
there you are left with a version that won't work on any form of tablet, or
mobile devices that are held sideways... I don't want to be too negative
about it, since i like seeing resources like that show up, but for doing
responsive design, I'd recommend to look into it properly. As said, there
are great resources available on the internet for this :)

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