Dear James,

the library and reuse of images is OK, but you could see them as "master data". With e.g. imagemagick you could create all the scaled images you need and keep the originals.
At the same time you could set the right compression on those images.
This is something that could be done via a cron job or manualy.

a process could be e.g.
- upload pictures to a central directory for all master images
- each hour a batch process looks into the master directory and creates the different images in the correct size in a separate directory

This way you keep your customers satified and at the same time comply with best practices in web front end engineering re. performance.

If I remember correctly I read somewhere that ofbiz resizes images in the correct sizes when you upload them, I don't know if this would be conflicting with this idea ?

Kind regards


On 24/01/13 21:19, James wrote:
Thanks for the note, Tore.

I've being looking into how to best incorporate file compression techniques. I recognize that as our projects continue to grow there may come a day when our CSS will reach critical mass!

In addition to having the option of loading specific images to specific areas, BigFish has the option of reusing certain images that are scaled as needed using various system parameters. While not ideal in every situation, some clients find it useful to rely on a small library of images that can be re-purposed if they have no means of creating or editing more images.

Thanks again for the feedback,

James Stewart

On 1/24/2013 2:49 PM, wrote:
Hi James,

i just had a look at the website.
There are some small tricks that can make your website faster by doing some front end engineering (what's in a name)

- enable compression (gzip) on the webserver for all text related content (txt, css, js, html etc) - some images where scaled in html, it is better to size them correctly (e.g. cigarettecase2_sbl.png is resized from 355 x 355 to 250 x 250. Serving a scaled image could save some KB)
- run minify over the .js files

The three actions together could have as a result that you have +/- 1 MB less to download to the client hence your website will seem to respond faster.

Kind regards


On 24/01/13 20:26, James wrote:

I am the UI/CSS developer for BigFish who designed Eagan's Emporium <> and is developing the responsive mobile approach on our Fashion House demo <>. To see the responsive concept in action view the demo and resize your browser to a width of 450 pixels.

A note about mobile design: The two camps of Responsive Design (one site that adapts to various devices) and Targeted Design (various sites that load respective to the device being used) each have Pros and Cons. While your specific project's requirements are ultimately going to determine the tie-breaker, I see the most potential in Responsive Design. Responsive Design's greatest advantage that it puts the task of device rendering exclusively in the hands of the designer and the CSS. It allows for solutions to be displayed on a range of devices and not /device 1, device 2, /and so on. The exemplary concept of CSS is that it separates design from content- and in most (certainly not all) cases of mobile design, the primary goal is delivering the same consistent content with a design that is best suited to the user and whatever device they're using.

I saw in your email that you were interested in some online CSS resources. Below our a few of my favorites that cover some basic core-concepts as well some remarkable new strategies and ideas. in my opinion is one of the premier online CSS/HTML resources. Their contributors are well known CSS Rock Starsauthors and the topics cover everything from design, best practices, mobile strategies, and more. is another fantastic online resource. Like A List Apart, this site covers many concepts from basic to advanced and comes equipped with a very active and helpful user forum. is a great site for fundamentals and getting started with CSS. I remember using their guides when I was cutting my teeth on CSS many years ago and the core principles haven't changed. It covers basic and moderate examples quite well- I'd recommend starting with this site if you really want to immerse yourself in CSS.

Lastly, Firebug <> and the Web Developer Tool Bar <> (both available for Firefox and Chrome) are two excellent browser add-ons. Firebug allows you to select any element and modify the CSS in real-time within the browser. I'm aware that most modern browsers have code inspectors in them, but I prefer FireBug's options and workflow. The Web Developer Tool Bar has a plethora of resources that allow you to validate your CSS, quickly change view-port sizes (handy when you're developing for mobile), and much more.

For some information on how we incorporated the mobile approach into the Fashion House demo, you can check out our mobile device help file <>.

These links should definitely get you started. I would subscribe to some of their feeds as they're routinely updated.

Best of Luck,

James Stewart

On 1/24/2013 9:44 AM, Ted Byers wrote:
Hi Nick,

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Nick Rosser <> wrote:
Or the fact that all the styling is delegated to the CSS? We've gone to great pains to allow styling in the CSS with no back-end code changes. So far it's working! And don't forget our "small device / mobile" solution uses
a responsive CSS approach, check out
The notion of making a web application flexible enough to display
well, and remain useful, on any device whether a smart phone or
desktop with a huge monitor, is something I am beginning to examine.
Can you recommend some online resources for studying how to use CSS to
do this?  Being a programmer, my first thought on making my web apps
adapt their interfaces to the device on which they're displayed was to
use some fo the new features in HTML5 to learn what the device is, and
then programmatically (using Javascript on the client side and perl or
Java or C++ on the server side) adapt the interface to available
screen realestate.  I know little about CSS and have in the past
limited myself to either having a colleague, who is a CSS guru, revise
our CSS files, or writing my own inline CSS; and thus only with my web
apps where the server side code is implemented in Perl (I don't think
I ever used CSS with a JSP/JSF application).  I am thus intrigued by
the notion that you can do this sort of thing without programmatic
changes by using the right CSS.  I guess, a related question involves
how, or whether, this sort of practice can be used with jQuery.



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