Created a Jira at OFBIZ-5220 that includes a fix for the problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Le Roux []
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 3:01 PM
To: Jacques Le Roux;
Subject: Re: Upgrading to 12.04 send-redirect seems broken

Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> redirect-parameter was introduced by
> The comment about it there seems  a bit distorded, I guess a wrong C/P.
> Anyway it basically does not say that all should not be used if none is
> I'd also prefer to follow the xsd documentation: if none is specified then
"pick them all", make more sense than "any is used"
> But we should check this commit before changing it back if it's this
commit which changed it purposedly (could be also a side
> effect of another commit...) because it could be a diff between GET and
POST for security reasons (should not clearly specified
> in commit comment, but "sensitive information")

(though not clearly specified in commit comment, but "sensitive


> HTH (and hope I'm clear, it's late here ;o)
> Jacques
> From: "Skip" <>
>> After some further research into the code, it seems as if
>> now requires an optional redirect-parameter with the name of a field that
>> was in a form.
>> In the past, you were not required to explicitly declare which parameters
>> from the form you wanted to pass on, it just passed them all on.
>> I have something like 700 of these request-redirects to deal with.  To
>> the required parameters, I need to find each of te 700 screens, open the
>> and make a redirect-parameter for each of them.  That will take me a long
>> time.
>> It will be much easier for me to put the code back the way it was, maybe
>> minutes vs 48 hours.  Before I make that decision, I am wondering what
>> value is of not just including all the parameters like we use to?
>> Thanks
>> Skip
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jacques Le Roux []
>> Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2013 5:35 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Upgrading to 12.04 send-redirect seems broken
>> From the XSD documentation it should continue to work the same, I did not
>> check code...
>> <xs:enumeration value="request-redirect">
>>    <xs:annotation>
>>        <xs:documentation>
>>            Send a redirect down to the browser telling it to go to the
>> request.
>>            Automatically redirect all current request parameters to the
>> request or only redirected parameters if specified.
>>        </xs:documentation>
>>    </xs:annotation>
>> </xs:enumeration>
>> <xs:enumeration value="request-redirect-noparam">
>>    <xs:annotation>
>>        <xs:documentation>
>>            Send a redirect down to the browser telling it to go to the
>> request.
>>            No current request parameters are sent to the new request, nor
>> redirected parameters if specified.
>>        </xs:documentation>
>>    </xs:annotation>
>> </xs:enumeration>
>> Jacques
>> From: "Skip" <>
>>> I have lots of send-redirect calls in my controllers to prevent users
>>> using the back button when that would cause problems.
>>> However, now, send-redirect does not pass the original parameters to the
>>> redirected call.  No parameters are passed (or so it seems).  Is there
>> some
>>> other method I can use to redirect with all the parameters from the
>> original
>>> call?
>>> For example, I have a screen which takes an billingAccountId as a
>> parameter.
>>> This screen accepts an amount to add to the billingAccount available
>>> balance.  If the user can click back and submit again, double the amount
>> is
>>> added.  To prevent this, I use request-redirect, but I need the
>>> billingAccountId for the subsequent screen.
>>> Skip

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