Hi All

This is a quick update on this thread.

Current Status and What has been done so far

•       We have created a Proposed Archive page on the Wiki and have moved some
documents to it
•       We have created a proposed list of labels to use for the technical
documentation and will post a message with the details asking for feedback
•       Christian G has started helping us review the Component Set and 
Set Dependencies document (Thank you very much Christian!)
•       Ron is currently working through updating the English and grammar in the
OFBiz Tutorial – A Beginners Guide
•       I’ve also started putting together some ideas around the End User
Documentation review and update

Next Steps

More Community Help to Review Technical Documents

We need more help from the community for the technical review. We think that
because there are so many documents it may be stopping people offering to do
the technical review. To try and make the review easier we will start asking
for feedback on individual documents.

Removal of Old Comments

There are a lot of old comments attached to some of the pages and we’d like
to clean these up to only the ones that are still relevant. We will send
emails telling people that comments before a specific date (e.g. over the
last 12 months) will be removed and if they are still relevant a new comment
needs to be created to reflect it.

Project Branding Guidelines and Consistency

We looked at the Apache Project Branding Guidelines especially around
Project Naming and Descriptions. We found that that a lot of the
documentation (technical and end user) doesn’t conform to the guidelines
around consistency of naming (i.e Apache OFBiz) so this will form part of
the tidy up. 

We also found that the OFBiz main home page doesn’t conform to the
guidelines as it refers to the Apache OFBiz  software product as a
‘project’.  There is some additional tidying up we would like to do on this
so we will work on  proposing some new wording based on the guidelines and
then ask the community for feedback.

Community Survey

We discussed using a tool like Survey Monkey to put together a short survey
to gather some quick information about the community and how they use the
existing documentation. 

We will continue to work on this so watch out for the mailing postings
around each of our next steps.


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Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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