You need to consider several parts for prices:
Product prices, eg
Prices rules (optional)
Promotions (optional)
Tax Authorities
Store (optional) , eg
Provider prices, eg

There are more optionals (like agreements, etc.), but those are the necessary 
Note that I far prefer to handle data in XML (easy to C/P) than using the UI, 
but it's good to be acquainted to it also, and I must say safer...

You will need to take care of inventory also...



Le 08/01/2015 05:56, Arjun Rajappan a écrit :
Mr jacquest le Roux thank you very much for your response. You shown me the
demo order id = Demo1002
It that order screen

Promotion  -$12.00    Shipping and Handling  $12.10    Utah County, Utah
Sales Tax - Sales Tax  -$0.012
   Items SubTotal  $119.98    Total Other Order Adjustments  -$12.00    Total
Shipping and Handling  $12.10    Total Sales Tax  $7.01    Total Due

This is what i exactly wanted to configure.

But in my order it showing only cart Total ______.

You have guided me well to use my own data. Yes i was used demo data
before. Now i want to configure same like you did in this order.

But at the user interface level by using promos screen not with seed data
when installing. Give me idea to achieve this by user interface level.

I read documentation but i not getting information regarding promos. If you
have exact link for this could you give it.

Even i have tried to configure like this in promos but i am not getting the
output. Remember i want to configure this at user interface level only not
via seed.

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 2:51 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> wrote:

Le 07/01/2015 13:20, Arjun Rajappan a écrit :

I want to add tax to a specific category. So that I have added a New
category in catalog and added some products for that category.
Configurations :

I have created a party Group (IND_TAX) with tax authority role.

I have configured Tax authority in accounting module. With the Party Group
(IND_TAX) i have created and i have used a Geo Id as IN-AP.

I have added my created categories to tax authority. And Product Rates as
sales tax percentage (10).

And in ofbiz ecommerce store configured the tax section as follows
Partyid - IND_TAX
Geo-ID - IN-AP
Prorate Taxes IS Y
    Show prices with VAT tax included   Y
    Show Tax Is Exempt N

And then i created a sales order for product (Price 300 USD ) with

Output  i got :
I got the item total as $333.00 and Adjustment as $0.0
And Subtotal as $300

I have two doubts as follows.
No.1 : 10 percent of $300 is $30 but the item total is added with $3
Why it is adding $3 dollar extra ??

Are you using the demo data?
Then as you can see here http://demo-trunk-ofbiz.
there is a 1% default tax for all orders (related to _NA_ party)

No.2 : Why the subtotal is not added with sales tax. Why it is showing
original product price.

This is the definition of the "Items SubTotal": total of all products w/o
anything else (ie no promo, taxes, shipping, etc.)

  Please give me explanation about this. Is my configuration wrong. I don't
know whether i have understand the system wrongly.

  You need to set your own data (we call them seed and ext-seed). This a
major part of the work, please read the documentation carefully


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