Congrats and welcome aboard!

Adrian Crum
Sandglass Software

On 5/19/2015 10:32 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

On May 19, 2015, at 8:52 AM, Jacques Le Roux <> 


I find weird to welcome new committers before it's officially announced but 
since we have already a commit and a lot of comments, I think it's time to 
congratulates you new committer, welcome on board :)


I know that at this time it is not a news but, now that the list is complete, I 
would like second Jacques in welcoming our new committers:

Arun Patidar
Christian Carlow
Divesh Dutta,
Julien Nicolas
Michael Brohl
Shi Jinghai
Taher Alkhateeb

welcome onboard guys!

This is the first time we invite so many persons in one shot and I am aware 
this could be a surprise to some and a concern to others.
I am aware that onboarding 8 new persons is a challenge and that extra effort 
will have to be spent by our senior committers to guide and help them, but I am 
sure that we will succeed is we work together and are nice with each other.

To the senior committers and PMC members: please be kind, patient, and 
supportive with the new committer; we should all keep in mind that our primary 
goal is to build an amazing and nice community, and our secondary goal is to 
build a great software.

To the new committers: please do your best to commit code you are sure about, 
and ask for advices before committing code you are not sure; and please help 
each other by reviewing other's work and helping to improve it; now that I read 
these notes I realize that they apply to all committers old and new :-)


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