
I'm just fowarding a message I received yesterday from the Travel Assistance Committee (so their tomorrow is actually today!).


-------- Forwarded Message --------

HI All,

This is a reminder that currently applications are open for Travel Assistance to go to ApacheCon EU Budapest
this coming September/October.

Applications close tomorrow night so if you have not applied yet and intend to do so, please act now!

For those that have submitted talks for this event and have not heard back as to whether or not they will be accepted or not; and you intend to apply for assistance based on getting your talks accepted — please DO apply for assistance now anyway, should your talk not be accepted, your assistance application can be

See apache.org/travel <http://apache.org/travel> for more info.
See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TAC/Application+Criteria for more about the process.

Thanks and hope to see you all in Budapest!

Gav… (On behalf of the Travel Assistance Committee)

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