The real question is why you aren't on systemd by now


On Jul 26, 2016 9:33 PM, "Craig Parker" <> wrote:

> Pierre -- it's up and running. Thanks a bunch. I need to get POS running
> too, but I'll take a break and just learn what I've got for the moment
> On 07/22/2016 12:01 PM, Pierre Smits wrote:
>> Hi Craig,
>> I have found that the script for Ubuntu is of a lesser quality than the
>> one
>> for Debian, so that is what I have been using for various environments as
>> a
>> starting point.
>> Best regards,
>> Pierre Smits
>> OFBiz based solutions & services
>> OFBiz Extensions Marketplace
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Craig Parker <>
>> wrote:
>> I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 server (32 bit -- this is just an old clunker computer
>>> I'm trying stuff out on) and the OFBIZ zip I grabbed is 13.07.03.
>>> There was an ubuntu script I tried grabbing instead of rc.ofbiz
>>> (rc.ofbiz.for.ubuntu) a couple months ago, but didn't have any better
>>> luck
>>> with that. I think I'm going to land on Debian eventually, but if I can
>>> troubleshoot this install I should be able to figure that one out.
>>> On 07/22/2016 02:24 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:
>>> Hi Craig,
>>>> May I ask what OS version you are using and what the version of OFBiz
>>>> is?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Pierre Smits
>>>> ORRTIZ.COM <>
>>>> OFBiz based solutions & services
>>>> OFBiz Extensions Marketplace
>>>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 5:15 AM, Craig Parker <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I set this down because I couldn't get it running, but I'm picking it
>>>> back
>>>>> up. Still in the "using the demo" stage,a nd while I can start fine
>>>>> with
>>>>> ./ant start from the ofbiz directory, I can't seem to get it started
>>>>> with
>>>>> an /etc/init.d/ofbiz script.
>>>>> I've tried a couple things, but the latest (back to square 1) spot I'm
>>>>> in
>>>>> is copying ofbizdir/tools/rc.ofbiz /etc/init.d/ofbiz
>>>>> Not sure what I read that told me this, but I commented out .
>>>>> /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions (in the vicinity of line 30) and .
>>>>> /etc/sysconfig/network near line 34, changed my path to /ofbiz (where I
>>>>> unzipped it) and also replaced any instances of echo_ with just echo
>>>>> (echo
>>>>> followed by a space).
>>>>> So here's my script, and I can't get it running. Nor can I seem to
>>>>> find a
>>>>> log file anywhere that tells me what's going on. ofbiz owns the
>>>>> /etc/init.d/ofbiz , and I'm starting it as root with sudo -u ofbiz
>>>>> /etc/init.d/ofbiz restart
>>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>>> #####################################################################
>>>>> # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
>>>>> # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
>>>>> # distributed with this work for additional information
>>>>> # regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
>>>>> # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
>>>>> # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
>>>>> # with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
>>>>> #
>>>>> #
>>>>> #
>>>>> # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
>>>>> # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
>>>>> # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
>>>>> # specific language governing permissions and limitations
>>>>> # under the License.
>>>>> #####################################################################
>>>>> #
>>>>> # ofbiz        This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
>>>>> #              the OFBiz subsystem
>>>>> #
>>>>> # chkconfig: - 80 10
>>>>> # description: OFBiz server
>>>>> # Source function library
>>>>> # this does not exist in Debian/Ubuntu/etc. => see rc.ofbiz.for.debian
>>>>> # => comment out and use "echo failure" and "echo success" in place of
>>>>> echo failure and echo success (minor anyway)
>>>>> #. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
>>>>> # Source networking configuration
>>>>> # this does not exist in Debian/Ubuntu/etc. => see rc.ofbiz.for.debian
>>>>> #. /etc/sysconfig/network
>>>>> # Paths - Edit for your locations
>>>>> JAVA_BINARY=/usr/bin/java
>>>>> OFBIZ_HOME=/ofbiz
>>>>> OFBIZ_LOG=$OFBIZ_HOME/runtime/logs/console.log
>>>>> # VM Options
>>>>> JAVA_VMOPTIONS="-Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
>>>>> # Java arguments
>>>>> JAVA_ARGS="-jar ofbiz.jar"
>>>>> # *nix user ofbiz should run as (you must create this user first)
>>>>> OFBIZ_USER=ofbiz
>>>>> # OFBiz processes running
>>>>> ofbizprocs() {
>>>>>       OFBIZ_PROCS=`/bin/ps h -o pid,args -C java | /bin/grep -e
>>>>> "$JAVA_ARGS"
>>>>> | /bin/egrep -o "^[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*"`
>>>>> }
>>>>> # Checking user...
>>>>> checkuser() {
>>>>>       if [ "$USER" != "$OFBIZ_USER" ]; then
>>>>>           echo failure
>>>>>           echo
>>>>>           echo "Only users root or $OFBIZ_USER should start/stop the
>>>>> application"
>>>>>           exit 1
>>>>>       fi
>>>>> }
>>>>> # Start OFBiz
>>>>> start() {
>>>>>       echo -n "Starting OFBiz: "
>>>>>       checkuser
>>>>>       ofbizprocs
>>>>>       if [ "$OFBIZ_PROCS" != "" ]; then
>>>>>           echo failure
>>>>>           echo
>>>>>           echo "OFBiz is already running..."
>>>>>           return 1
>>>>>       fi
>>>>>       # All clear
>>>>>       cd $OFBIZ_HOME
>>>>>       umask 007
>>>>>       /bin/rm -f $OFBIZ_LOG
>>>>> 2>>$OFBIZ_LOG&
>>>>>       echo success
>>>>>       return 0
>>>>> }
>>>>> # Stop OFBiz
>>>>> stop() {
>>>>>       echo -n "Stopping OFBiz: "
>>>>>       checkuser
>>>>>       ofbizprocs
>>>>>       if [ "$OFBIZ_PROCS" == "" ]; then
>>>>>           echo failure
>>>>>           echo
>>>>>           echo "OFBiz is not running..."
>>>>>           return 1
>>>>>       fi
>>>>>       # All clear
>>>>>       cd $OFBIZ_HOME
>>>>>       umask 007
>>>>>       ofbizprocs
>>>>>       if [ "$OFBIZ_PROCS" != "" ]; then
>>>>>           # Let's try to -TERM
>>>>>           /bin/kill -TERM $OFBIZ_PROCS
>>>>>       fi
>>>>>       ofbizprocs
>>>>>       if [ "$OFBIZ_PROCS" != "" ]; then
>>>>>           # Let's try it the hard way!
>>>>>           /bin/kill -9 $OFBIZ_PROCS
>>>>>       fi
>>>>>       ofbizprocs
>>>>>       if [ "$OFBIZ_PROCS" != "" ]; then
>>>>>           echo failure
>>>>>           echo
>>>>>           echo "Some processes could not be stopped:"
>>>>>           echo $OFBIZ_PROCS
>>>>>           echo "A possible solution is to try this command once more!"
>>>>>           return 1
>>>>>       else
>>>>>           echo success
>>>>>           return 0
>>>>>       fi
>>>>> }
>>>>> # If root is running this script, su to $OFBIZ_USER first
>>>>> # Note that under Debian/Ubuntu/etc. you should use instead
>>>>> # if [ "$USER" = "root" ]; then
>>>>> if [ "$UID" = "0" ]; then
>>>>>       exec su - $OFBIZ_USER -c "$0 $1"
>>>>> fi
>>>>> case "$1" in
>>>>>       'start')
>>>>>           start
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>>       'stop')
>>>>>           stop
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>>       'restart')
>>>>>           stop
>>>>>           start
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>>       'status')
>>>>>           ofbizprocs
>>>>>           if [ "$OFBIZ_PROCS" == "" ]; then
>>>>>               echo "OFBiz is stopped"
>>>>>               exit 1
>>>>>           else
>>>>>               echo "OFBiz is running"
>>>>>               exit 0
>>>>>           fi
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>>       *)
>>>>>           echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|kill|restart|status|help}"
>>>>>           exit 1
>>>>>       ;;
>>>>> esac
>>>>> echo
>>>>> exit $?

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