I had the same issue on a clean install, good to see it's not broken.

2017-01-09 19:39:22,618 |main |ContainerLoader |I| Started container birt-container
> Building 92% > :ofbiz


On 08/01/17 22:33, Michael Brohl wrote:
Hey Max,

thanks for the report. The Gradle status line is a bit misleading here. OFBiz is fully started and should be usable for you, as the log states:

2017-01-06 19:08:19,773 |main |CatalinaContainer |I| Started Apache Tomcat/8.0.39 2017-01-06 19:08:19,773 |main |ContainerLoader |I| Started container catalina-container 2017-01-06 19:08:19,773 |main |ContainerLoader |I| Starting container birt-container 2017-01-06 19:08:19,774 |main |BirtContainer |I| Start BIRT container 2017-01-06 19:08:19,819 |main |BirtContainer |I| Startup BIRT platform 2017-01-06 19:08:30,441 |main |BirtContainer |I| Create factory object 2017-01-06 19:08:30,570 |main |BirtContainer |I| Create report engine 2017-01-06 19:08:32,012 |main |BirtContainer |I| BIRT supported formats: xlsx, postscript, docx, pptx, pdf, ppt, xls_spudsoft, doc, html, odp, xls, odt, ods 2017-01-06 19:08:32,014 |main |ContainerLoader |I| Started container birt-container

This has already been addressed but no solution is ready at the moment to show 100% after startup.



Am 08.01.17 um 02:21 schrieb Max Peak:
Hi all,

My installation of OFBiz hangs during startup. No msg, just hangs at 91%.

CPU usage for this process drops from 99% to 0% at this point.

On console: right after the bit about BIRT filetypes, then BIRT container
loaded, then hang.

Pertinent logfiles:




Test system:

Gateway box, Celeron CPU, 2.2Ghz, 1.3 Gbit mem

FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1

Openjdk version 1.8.0_102

Openjdk RE 1.8.0_102-b14

Openjdk Server build 25.102-b14

OFBiz release16.11 installed by svn

Thanks in advance,


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