
I might be wrong, but I think you're trying to do this the hard way. The
problem is really simple in that you have some missing data that is not
loading correctly. To fix this issue I would suggest the following steps:

1- Copy the XML data file contents
2- Paste it into the XML data import window (i.e.
3- Click Import Text
4- Observe error message (it will tell you which foreign key is violated
and how)
5- fix the data accordingly
6- Repeat 1 to 5 as needed

That would be much faster and easier than going down to the SQL level to
try to investigate. I recommend that you use the entity engine to your
advantage instead of bypassing it completely.


On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 1:42 AM, <stim...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> There are 861 tables in the ofbiz Derby database under ofbiz-16.11.02 for
> demo data. I'm trying to learn to load this data manually using SQL
> queries, and thus making a dependency list of tables with foreign key
> requirements (or even references to other tables which are allowed to be
> null). Basically, no table referencing another table's data can be loaded
> without first loading that parent table. With 861 tables and some tables
> having more than one foreign key I wanted to automate this with a SQL query
> (I'm using SQuirrel-sqL to explore now). As such I'm looking at system
> tables describing constraints and keys.
> Through system tables I can find a list of tables and the ID of
> constraints which are foreign keys. However, I seem to be losing the battle
> to find the name of the foreign table and foreign column name to which the
> constraint points (only the table with the originating constraint is easy
> to find and automate a listing for). I see this may be possible to find
> through JDBC; SQuirrel-sqL itself shows imported and exported keys with no
> apparent means to export the information. Can anyone tell me if it is
> possible to use an ordinary SQL query to find all foreign keys of a table
> and print the list of the child table and the parent foreign table.column?
> If I can do this I can get around the missing WebPOS setup functionality
> and edit/load SQL directly (I'm using PostegreSQL so I can't edit a Derby
> database directly...it needs to be copied over to PostgresSQL first in the
> proper order).
> If you think I need to write a JDBC app instead to map table load order
> dependencies, please let me know. I don't believe there is any other way to
> use the WebPOS without doing it this way. I hate to think I may have to go
> through all of those tables and hand write a spreadsheet with the
> dependencies.
> Thanks!

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