I agree that a lot is needed for WebPOS, but it is a starting point if I can 
get to the data and put real world data in. I only go through these routes 
because it seems no other method exists to do this reliably.
So far as just loading data from sample into PostegreSQL goes, I still need to 
do the same mapping of foreign keys and columns to foreign tables which are 
allowed to be null. Derby is just the place I started because I don't know the 
inner details of either Derby or PostgreSQL, but saw examples of using system 
tables for Derby. I'm confident with SQL, but have never delved into the 
metadata within a SQL server.
Basically I cannot trust editing data in SQL directly unless I know I am 
editing from top-most table downward into dependent tables in an order which 
guarantees I won't leave any original data which needed to be altered. The web 
tools do not seem to provide everything I need so far as understanding required 
order of edit (not just order of load...loading data in the correct order is 
insufficient for these purposes). Though I might investigate doing the same 
thing under PostgreSQL...the tools for PostgreSQL may offer a way to export 
what I need.
Understand that right now I just want to get WebPOS running with real data from 
a real retail store. If I can do that, then I can adjust WebPOS (which I agree 
is terribly nonintuitive). Getting a chart of accounts which matches or is 
compatible with the current POS is the first goal...I can't do that from within 
the existing interfaces (due to WebPOS requirements).
----- Original Message -----From: Mike <mz4whee...@gmail.com>To: user 
<user@ofbiz.apache.org>Sent: Fri, 09 Jun 2017 15:56:07 -0000 (UTC)Subject: Re: 
Mapping Derby Sample Data Foreign Keys

Hey stimits. Are you finding that the demo webpos for 16.x works for you?The 
reason I ask is that I would assume a properly functioning POS wouldneed a lot 
of supporting stuff, like a chart of accounts, payment accounts,etc. I tried it 
(demo), and it is not very intuitive as is.

If you REALLY want to capture all the SQL that postgresql sees, you cansimply 
set "log_statement = mod', and it will log all of the SQL, but goingthis route 
is not recommended. Instead, you can create a very simplehot-deploy component 
that can load all of the stuff you need after seed,and seed-initial. Here is a 

root@server:/opt/ofbiz/hot-deploy# find 

Consists of ONE "ofbiz-component.xml" file, a directory called "data", andthe 
.xml files you want to load, preferably named to create order. That'sit.

The "data" directory has the xml files to load. I keep them named by 
aconsistent 5 digit number where if you list it's contents, they are alwaysin 
the exact same loading sequence. The key item is theofbiz-component.xml file, 
which lists the items to load, which is basicallythe same order as the files... 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ofbiz-component name="my_data" 
 <!-- define resource loaders; most common is to use the componentresource 
loader --> <resource-loader name="main" type="component"/> <entity-resource 
type="data" reader-name="my_data" 
loader="main"location="data/16000_shop_StoreData.xml"/> <entity-resource 
type="data" reader-name="my_data" 
loader="main"location="data/16010_shop_RentalStoreData.xml"/> <entity-resource 
type="data" reader-name="my_data" 
loader="main"location="data/16020_shop_CatalogData.xml"/> ... ETC... More 

Notice the line: ofbiz-component name="my_data" and "reader-name"... Thatname 
(my_data) is the name used to load (and re-load as necessary) all ofthe xml 
files in the "data" directory. For instance:

./ant load-readers "-Ddata-readers=seed,seed-initial" (this is run 
ONCE)...then..../ant load-readers "-Ddata-readers=my_data" (look for ERRORS, 
fix .xml asrequired)./ant load-readers "-Ddata-readers=my_data" (RERUN untill 
all loadingerrors are gone)

Hope this helps.

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 2:37 PM, Michael Brohl <michael.br...@ecomify.de>wrote:

> Why don't you just configure OFBiz to use your Postgres database and load> 
> the demo data the same way you did with the embedded Derby database?>> Your 
> approach seems to be overly complicated to me (or I am missing> 
> something).>>>> > Am 08.06.2017 um 23:08 schrieb stim...@comcast.net:> >> > 
> Hi,> >> > I do have that book which explains concepts, but currently I am 
> trying> to make the existing system's WebPOS work...versus extending, 
> customizing,> or adding to the existing system. The book has no concept of 
> how the OfBiz> interface itself is arranged. I need a working WebPOS, which 
> means I need> to be able to enter data for POS terminals and stores, but 
> there is no web> interface for this. Thus the route of trying to edit sample 
> data and> transfer it over to my PostgreSQL database instead of Derby.> >> > 
> The OfBizDatamodelBook charts are indeed something like what I want, but> I 
> need it in a form where I can use tools to automate tasks based on query> of 
> an existing Derby database and copy to PostgreSQL. Someone made a very> nice 
> chart of account relationships, but the PDF is for human-readable form> and 
> may not reflect changes and other details of the actual database (for> 
> example the chart does not know about automatic sequences for generating> 
> various keys...a database query may be able to take this into account and> 
> simple copy of data from one database to another results in an error).> >> > 
> In terms of using the web tools with copy and paste to load data I have> 
> tried this unsuccessfully. The time it takes to make attempts is extreme> and 
> error messages do not necessarily point out what needs to be loaded for> a 
> given failure to be fixed. Here are some points about the web tool copy> and 
> paste method:> >> > 1. Many XML documents have a root tag of 
> "<entity-engine-xml>". This> requires editing the XML files and removing the 
> "<entity-engine-xml>" (you> can't paste "<entity-engine-xml>" within 
> "<entity-engine-xml>"). This isn't> too bad of an issue, but it slows things 
> down (especially if it is a large> file and you are skipping open/close tags 
> via scrolling around in an> editor). Sometimes java errors are so long that 
> the pop-up showing them is> not capable of displaying on a large monitor 
> (though log files do not have> this limitation).> >> > 2. Some tables (many) 
> have a foreign key and produce an error if the> foreign table does not 
> already have an entry. There are also cases where a> column in a foreign 
> table is copied during insert, but the value is allowed> to be null...I worry 
> that no error would be generated if the foreign key is> there but the data 
> for the null column has not yet been populated. Those> columns pulling data 
> from another table where null is allowed may change> whether the data is 
> valid but will never produce an error (copy by value).> I see a SQL query as 
> a programmatic way to be certain columns which can be> null will always be 
> loaded from a parent table which has had the maximum> opportunity to be 
> populated before using that parent.> >> > 3. In some cases I am going to be 
> copying from Derby to PostgreSQL.> SQuirrel-sqL has a tool for this, but the 
> tool does not deal well with keys> which have been generated using different 
> methods between the different> databases. This is a particular case of the 
> above mentioned need to be able> to see generated values.> >> > I have tried 
> for a long time, with many hours per day, to come up with a> simpler solution 
> for getting WebPOS working (including mouse copy and> paste, then command 
> line XML file loads). Then I tried for quite some time> to be able to get the 
> Derby demo data into PostgreSQL using simpler tools> and methods...once again 
> without success. I am positive that if I have> detailed access to both the 
> demo database under Derby and to the database> under PostgreSQL that I can 
> guarantee certain qualities during copy. Once I> can do that I can 
> investigate editing the data for replacing some demo data> with a real world 
> store. I do not yet know how to create the missing> interface for populating 
> WebPOS, so I am limited to this route...once I can> do this and understand it 
> I can work on modifying or customizing OfBiz to> include an interface for 
> avoiding all of the WebPOS issues.> >> > I just wish that part of the unit 
> testing before OfBiz releases included> checking if demo data can be loaded 
> by an end user without direct database> manipulation (this would of course be 
> a monumentally difficult task to see> if every bit of demo data could be hand 
> entered...someone would have to> actually enter it). The written instructions 
> of how the unit test would be> performed would serve as an incredibly 
> valuable way of understanding how to> set up a new business. Right now I'm 
> basically reverse engineering this> when all I really wanted to do was set up 
> the existing features and get it> running (modification could come later).> 
> >> > So I'm back to finding ways to map table relationships in Derby...it> 
> looks like a simple SQL query won't be possible, I'm going to have to use> 
> the JDBC interface.> >> > Thanks!> >> > ----- Original Message -----From: 
> Paul Foxworthy <p...@cohsoft.com.au>To:> user@ofbiz.apache.orgSent: Thu, 08 
> Jun 2017 07:31:52 -0000 (UTC)Subject:> Re: Mapping Derby Sample Data Foreign 
> Keys> >> > Hi stimits,> >> > I agree with Taher about the most productive way 
> to solve your problem.> >> > For an overall understanding of the data model, 
> seehttps://> cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Data+Model . There's 
> amention> there of the Data Model Resource Book by Len Silverston, 
> whichinspired much> of OFBiz's data model, and links to diagrams. The 
> diagramsare a few years> old but still substantially correct and relevant.> 
> >> > Cheers> >> > Paul Foxworthy> >> >> On 8 June 2017 at 06:43, Taher 
> Alkhateeb <slidingfilame...@gmail.com>> wrote:> >>> >> Hi,>> I might be 
> wrong, but I think you're trying to do this the hard> way. The> problem is 
> really simple in that you have some missing data that> is not> loading 
> correctly. To fix this issue I would suggest the following> steps:>> 1- Copy 
> the XML data file contents> 2- Paste it into the XML data> import window 
> (i.e.> https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/EntityImport)>> 3- Click 
> Import Text> 4- Observe error message (it will tell you which> foreign key is 
> violated> and how)> 5- fix the data accordingly> 6- Repeat 1> to 5 as 
> needed>> That would be much faster and easier than going down to> the SQL 
> level to> try to investigate. I recommend that you use the entity> engine to 
> your> advantage instead of bypassing it completely.>> HTH>> On> Wed, Jun 7, 
> 2017 at 1:42 AM, <stim...@comcast.net> wrote:>> > Hi,> >> >> There are 861 
> tables in the ofbiz Derby database under ofbiz-16.11.02 for>> > demo data. 
> I'm trying to learn to load this data manually using SQL> >> queries, and 
> thus making a dependency list of tables with foreign key> >> requirements (or 
> even references to other tables which are allowed to be> >> null). Basically, 
> no table referencing another table's data can be loaded>> > without first 
> loading that parent table. With 861 tables and some tables>> > having more 
> than one foreign key I wanted to automate this with a SQL>> query> > (I'm 
> using SQuirrel-sqL to explore now). As such I'm looking at> system> > tables 
> describing constraints and keys.> >> > Through system> tables I can find a 
> list of tables and the ID of> > constraints which are> foreign keys. However, 
> I seem to be losing the> battle> > to find the name> of the foreign table and 
> foreign column name to which> the> > constraint> points (only the table with 
> the originating constraint is easy> > to find> and automate a listing for). I 
> see this may be possible to find> > through> JDBC; SQuirrel-sqL itself shows 
> imported and exported keys with> no> >> apparent means to export the 
> information. Can anyone tell me if it is> >> possible to use an ordinary SQL 
> query to find all foreign keys of a table>> > and print the list of the child 
> table and the parent foreign>> table.column?> > If I can do this I can get 
> around the missing WebPOS setup> functionality> > and edit/load SQL directly 
> (I'm using PostegreSQL so I> can't edit a Derby> > database directly...it 
> needs to be copied over to> PostgresSQL first in> the> > proper order).> >> > 
> If you think I need to> write a JDBC app instead to map table load order> > 
> dependencies, please> let me know. I don't believe there is any other way> 
> to> > use the WebPOS> without doing it this way. I hate to think I may have 
> to> go> > through all> of those tables and hand write a spreadsheet with the> 
> > dependencies.> >>> > Thanks!>> >> >> >> > -- Coherent Software Australia 
> Pty LtdPO Box 2773Cheltenham Vic> 3192Australia> >> > Phone: +61 3 9585 
> 6788Web: http://www.coherentsoftware.com.au/Email:> 
> i...@coherentsoftware.com.au>

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