Hi Craig,

if you want us to help you, we need more information. I'm not able to read the crystal ball ;-)

Best would be to provide the full current setup, especially the additional code you generated and copy/pasted in your project. There is either an error in the tutorial or in your code, one typo is enough to produce this error.

You could file a Jira and add your ofbizDemo component folder (zipped) to it.



Am 10.06.17 um 01:05 schrieb Daniel Coric:
Hi Michael,

there is literally no difference between my local copy and the repository 
release source code - if we don't count 'ofbizDemo'-component unversioned 
directories and files. I checked out 'release16.11' and started with the 
tutorial... copy-pasted the code... changed only from 'import org.ofbiz...' to 
'import org.apache.ofbiz...' in 'OfbizDemoServices.java' and 
'OfbizDemoServices.groovy'... groovy works - java don't...


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