Hi Jacques,

Am 15.06.17 um 11:03 schrieb Jacques Le Roux:

It's near a month I suggested to rename loadDefault by loadAll without negative comments

I'm fine with this.
We should promptly update all documentation and wiki pages accordingly to prevent confusion and unneccessary questions in the mailing lists. If there is no time to update, we should wait until we can do it.

So I'll do it soon and will then ask if we want to move the 2 Gradle tasks "testIntegration" and "loadDefault" as scripts in the tools branch.

If we remove them, please update the documentation accordingly also.

Though it's not really the antonym of start, I finally have decided to not change "ofbizBackground --shutdown " to ofbizBackground --stop". You just need to get used to it, please speak if you think we should.

I would leave it as is.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

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