The project OFBiz is not empty, it's Eclipse's icon for a closed project (like the error message says). See my previous message.

Additionally, the whole workspace seems to be messed up. Look at the structure, it has all folders, be it applications, framework or theme subfolders on the same level. Maybe it's some kind of special view but it looks strange to me.

Best regards,


Am 26.06.17 um 20:23 schrieb Daniel Coric:
Hi Vy,

it's pretty clear if you look a bit closely in the Project Explorer at this 
You have only empty directory "ofbiz". That means that you cannot have one more project 
under the same name. What again means that you don't have a project "ofbiz" at all.
And, why are these other maven?! How did you import the project?


On 2017-06-26 10:27 (+0200), Donhu Vy <> wrote:
Did you run gradlew eclipse?
--> I release all Gradle-related commands from CMD.

From: Taher Alkhateeb <>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 3:22:35 PM
Subject: Re: Can't access webapp in debug model

Did you run gradlew eclipse?

On Jun 26, 2017 11:15 AM, "Donhu Vy" <> wrote:

I try to clean all things.
gradlew cleanAll loadDefault

Indeed, At the previous session, I didn't set anything in tab Source. This
session, I set it (like screenshot https://user-images.
8277-9cfc20fed94d.jpg )

Tab Connect still like previous session (https://user-images.
865f-581a353b94d2.jpg )
In CMD, Then I release command:
gradlew ofbizDebug

CMD console log has nothing. Console screen inside Eclipse IDE also has

Error still looks like previous session (https://user-images.

This is my Eclipse log
fbf6037ffd941a95729614b056764758 (File .log inside .metadata folder)

Help me debug OFBiz!

From: Jacques Le Roux <>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 2:50:01 PM
Subject: Re: Can't access webapp in debug model


I don't see what could be missing, seems to be an issue with your debug

Did you set correctly the Debug Source tab (near Connect tab)?

Do you see something in the OFBiz console or console.log?

Did you check the Eclipse log?


Le 26/06/2017 à 09:19, Donhu Vy a écrit :
Thank Jacques Le Roux,

I don't understand your reply. I want re-present my work step-by-step.

I am reading
Running+and+Debugging+OFBiz+in+Eclipse . I am using Windows 10 Pro x64,
Eclipse Neon 3.
   At OFBiz's folder (F:\ofbiz), I release command

gradlew ofbizDebug

27528187-72519bca-5a79-11e7-8bd2-e4d3751642f7.jpg )
At Debug configuration windows, I set configuration like screenshot
When I press button "Debug", I see error:
Problem Occurred
'Launching gradle_remote_debug' has encountered a problem. Launch
configuration gradle_remote_debug references closed project ofbiz.
Details: Launch configuration gradle_remote_debug references closed
project ofbiz
27528317-19ce76c0-5a7a-11e7-9635-e0e38adb07ca.jpg )
How to debug OFBiz inside Eclipse IDE?


From: Jacques Le Roux <>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 1:32:39 PM
Subject: Re: Can't access webapp in debug model


You need to start a debugger for OFBiz to continue and be ready.

When you use the ofbizDebug Gradle task, OFBiz waits for a debugger to
continue. You can see that in the console or console.log

Le 26/06/2017 à 04:14, Donhu Vy a écrit :
In previous sessions, when I release command
gradlew cleanAll loadDefault ofbiz --info
I can access https://localhost:8443/ap/control/main and start to play
with OFBiz.
Today , I release command
gradlew cleanAll loadDefault ofbizDebug --info
I can't access https://localhost:8443/ap/control/main .

Please help me explain why. I want dive inside to source code and start
make something small (for example: a widget, or tweak few lines of code).

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