Hi Tom,


Am 26.07.18 um 00:07 schrieb Tom Luo:
Hi, Micahel,

Thanks for your reply. Where do I make the choice of using http/https or
ajp connector?
In framework/catalina/ofbiz-component.xml? Do I need to comment out
http/https property if I choose to use ajp connector in ofbiz-component.xml?

Yes, see my earlier remarks.

You use AJP through port 8009 to communicate from the webserver to OFBiz and vice versa. The http/https handling will be between your Apache webserver and the client/browser, that's why you don't need it in OFBiz if you use AJP.

So the communication is

browser <-- http/https --> Apache webserver <-- ajp --> OFBiz

Moreover, the Apache config/virtual host files should be in the
000-default.conf  000-default-le-ssl.conf files I attached in last email,

These files did not come with the mail. Attachments often do not go through. Please use another way to share your code (Github, DropBox or else).

Or, should be Apache config file be a different file?

We use to create new virtual host files beside the standard Ubuntu files because they might get updated if you have webserver updates.
But it is possible to use them with the changes needed fpr the ajp proxy.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

BTW, I am using Ubuntu 16.04, Apache server and latest version of Ofbiz.


Tom Luo

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 5:34 PM, Michael Brohl <michael.br...@ecomify.de>

Hi Tom,

I think you should either use the http/https connectors or the ajp

Please share your Apache config/virtual host also as I think there might
be the problem.

Best regards, the virtual hose info should be in the


Am 25.07.18 um 23:21 schrieb Tom Luo:

Hi, All,

I read the documents in the linkhttps://s.apache.org/nbdk
I think my configurations in framework/catalina/ofbiz-component.xml are
Moreover, I feel my apache2 configurations are correct.
So, I attached these files in the email. Could anyone help me to have a

Really appreciate your help!

Tom luo

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 1:16 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com <mailto:jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>>

     Hi Tom,

     This might help if you are using HTTPD (Apache2)


     Le 25/07/2018 à 05:30, Tom Luo a écrit :

         Hi, Satish,

         Thanks for your answer. I can get ofbiz running at my
         localhost. But, I
         cannot get it running for my domain.
         Where should I insert  <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3"
         redirectPort="8443" />?
         In /etc/tomcat8/server.xml? I just cannot get it work with AJP
         and apache2



         On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 10:48 PM, satish
         <satish.sa...@viithiisys.com <mailto:satish.sa...@viithiisys.com

             Hi Tom,
             Please follow this installations guide to run OFBiz in Ubuntu.

             Satish Kumar

             Sent from:

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