Hi Frank

There are a few things to cover here so I’ll answer what I can.

* Including VAT in Product Prices *

In general for Sales Orders - the tax setup and flow for OFBiz is mainly based 
on the US system where the product pricing does not include sales tax (or VAT). 
The Sales Tax (or VAT) is calculated once you have selected where the order 
will be shipped to. OFBiz uses the shipping address to define which Tax 
Authority to use to calculate the tax.

That being said there are some ways around it.

1.  You can setup your product pricing to exclude VAT. This means that it will 
be added back into the Sales Order when it is created. 

2. You can setup your product price inclusive of VAT then add the tax authority 
at the product pricing level (so in the Price tab for the actual Product). Add 
the Tax Authority, and set the include tax in the price. Don’t include a rate 
at this level because (OFBiz will ignore it!). The tax rate is taken from the 
main Tax Authority setup.

What this will do – is that it will assume that the tax is already included in 
the product price so at Sales Order entry it will separate it out. So if you 
set the product price at 100 Euros and have created the Dutch Tax Authority 
using 21%  then at Sales Order Review you should get an adjustment line showing 
the 17.36 Euros VAT. (Which is 21% VAT on 82.64, and 82.64+17.36 = 100)

What I found was missing was that it doesn’t add the VAT adjustment into the 
VAT Total as part of the Sales Oorder summary. The adjustment message actually 
says VAT not added to totals! (So that is a potential fix that needs to be 

3. We can look for someone to volunteer to do some more analysis on why the 
include tax in price flag on the Tax Authorities are not working.

If you need to get up and running quickly then options 1 and 2 should help.

* Tax Exemptions *

This is interesting because OFBiz has some functionaliy that calculates tax 
exempt amounts based on the flags set for the customer in the Tax Authority 
Parties tab.  For Purchase Order it calculates and displays the exempt tax 
amounts– but for Sales Order it seems to be a bit different.

So what is happening with your setup is that you have created a Dutch Tax 
Authority and a Belgian Tax Authority, so when you create a Sales Order, OFBiz 
is looking at the delivery address and then using the Tax Authority linked to 
the delivery location to calculate the taxes. (I think Belgium has 21% VAT 
too!).  This means that if you have a Belgium customer, OFBiz ignores the Dutch 
Tax Authority and is using the Belgian one on your order. 

The quickest way to stop VAT being calculated on the Belgian customer order is 
to remove the Product Rate from the Belgian Tax Authority and setup the Product 
Pricing to not include VAT.
OFBiz will then simply use the Product Price and if it is already exclusive of 
VAT, it will be fine. (If it is inclusive of VAT then you will have to do a 
customisation  to adjust it).

I've included some responses to your questions below:

On 2018/07/24 08:38:48, Frank Herrman <f.herr...@typify.com> wrote: 
> Hello there,
> Currently I am trying to find a way to implement tax exemptions. I have found 
> multiple discussions about this issue which is common in Europe. We want to 
> sell from The Netherlands to Belgium. When we sell to other businesses there 
> we do not have to charge the VAT (21%). This post brought me close:
> http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/German-store-with-vat-selling-to-europe-and-other-countries-without-Vat-tp4642750p4642752.html
>  (especially the part after ‘secondly’), but it is still not working. While 
> typing this e-mail I reproduced all my steps and even got a bit further ahead.
> The things I did so far:
>   *   I created two parties, the Dutch and Belgium tax authorities. I went to 
> accounting->tax authorities to make them tax authorities within Ofbiz for the 
> two beforementioned countries. I have set ‘require tax id for exemption’ to 
> ‘N’ for testing purposes (want to make sure this is not the issue).
>   *   In the product rates tab for the Dutch authority 
> (/accounting/control/EditTaxAuthorityRateProducts?taxAuthPartyId=BELASTINGDIENST&taxAuthGeoId=NED)
>  I have added Value Added Taxes of 21% for each of my stores.
>   *   In the Parties tab (still of the Dutch tax authority) I connected the 
> Belgium Party with ‘Is exempt’ set to ‘Y’.
> Still no luck, it keeps charging 21% VAT when I create an order within Ofbiz.
> Then I tried to connect the party to the Belgium tax authority and set ‘is 
> exempt’ to ‘y’ as well. Now when I placed an order I got a really nice 
> overview:
> Adjustment: Sales Tax  Jurisdiction: Belgium [BEL] Rate: 21% Customer Tax ID: 
> FODFINANCIEN Exempt Amount: 4.2
> The grand total was still the original amount including VAT (20 euro’s in 
> this case). It should have charged 16,53 euro while the exempt is 3,47 euro. 
> So it seems to ignore the fact that the price includes VAT already. That 
> seems to be the bigger issue.
> So some things I don’t get:
>   *   How come that it does something different when I connect the party to 
> the Belgium tax authority (exempt=y) then to the Dutch authority (exempt=y)?

I think the Parties tab is used for linking customers to tax authorities. I 
don’t think it is for linking tax authorities to other tax authorities which is 
why you might be getting weird output. The associations tab is for linking tax 
authorities to tax authorities. 

>   *   In the product pricing I can set the tax authority, tax rate and if 
> prices include VAT (set to Y of course). Do I need to set that if I set the 
> VAT percentage in the Tax Authority? I tried adding and removing it, didn’t 
> make any difference.

To me this should have been an override setting but it isn't working as such. 
In fact the tax rate is completely ignored and will always be taken from the 
main Tax Authority Setup. 

If you do add the Tax Authority here, it should make a difference in on the 
Final Sales Order Review screen.

>   *   How can I make sure prices are including taxes? I checked the store 
> settings, but couldn’t find anything usefull there. The stores are connected 
> to the Dutch tax authority. ‘Show prices with VAT tax included’ is set to ‘N’ 
> but does not make any difference (seems to influence webshop only, but I’m 
> not using Ofbiz for that).

For the pricing, I’ve mentioned some options above. I think the store settings 
are mainly for the webshop. However if you do set the 'Show prices with VAT tax 
included to ‘Y’, in Sales Order entry screens  the product pricing will be 

Remember I mentioned that the taxes are calculated on the customer delivery 
address so the reason the Tax Authority details are needed for the Store is 
that it means the tax can be calculated before any delivery address has been 

 The only thing I’m not sure about is ‘Prorate Taxes’, I don’t know what it 
means since English is not my native language. Changing it did not make any 
difference though.

My understanding of Prorate Taxes is like pro rata and means that if there is 
an adjustment to the prices (e.g a discount) then calculate the tax is based on 
the discounted amount rather than the original amount. (If anyone has any other 
understanding then please feel to respond)

>   *   The difference between sales taxes and VAT within Ofbiz. Somehow it is 
> now showing my VAT tax rules as ‘sales tax’ where it was VAT before. I like 
> sales tax better since it is also showing in the grand total (as it should), 
> but still I’m not sure why it switched from VAT to Salex tax when I was 
> messing around with the tax authorities.

They are pretty much both the same thing just different names. :-) As OFBiz 
became more popular in places that use VAT rather than Sales Tax, I think it 
was added.

My thought is that it would be good to look at and tidy up the VAT 
functionality especially if there are some things that are not working as 
expected.  I’ll check JIRA to see if there are any outstanding  issues logged 
that are linked to what I’ve mentioned here.  Also real use cases are good so 
if you can help contribute then that also can help others understand the 
problem and provide solutions.

Sorry for the long post and hope this helps.


> Thank you for reading this far and hopefully someone can shed some light on 
> the pricing/VAT system. It seems really powerfull, but I’m a bit lost.
> Best regards,
> Frank

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