And then, Drools[1] worth a try.


发件人: Pritam Kute [] 
发送时间: 2018年11月29日 13:26
主题: Re: Commissions with Two Reps On the Same Order - Brainpower Needed!

Hello James,

After looking into the requirements you have provided, IMO, this support
would not be directly available OOTB. You would need to do some
code customizations.

IMO, the best possible design can be using party agreements as the
commission % looks like a fixed one. You can create an agreement between
the company party and the commission parties. At the time of placing the
order, you should associate all the commission parties with the order.
After placing the order into the system, you can have a custom code logic
to calculate the commission and create the commission/purchase invoices

Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards
Pritam Kute

On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 1:04 AM <> wrote:

> Ok Team I have two scenarios that I would like your brain power to
> determine the best way to handle on how to pay two sales reps or 1 sales
> and 1 partner on the same account
> Scenario #1 - The Partner or Broker is tied to the account.  The sales
> rep who places the order also gets paid on the account.  The company
> wants to pay a total of only 20% of the Profit to both Sales Rep and
> Broker
> The Broker Gets 5% of the overall sale
> Sales Rep Gets 20% of the Profit
> Example - Sell is for $10,000 of which their Cost of Goods Sold Is $5000
> Gross Profit before Paying Broker is $5000
> Broker Commission is $500
> Net Profit is $4500
> Sales Rep Gets 20% of Net Profit - 900
> Is there a way to have this in Ofbiz?
> The other scenario is very similar but with two sales rep
> One sales rep Owns the account.  The other sales rep is someone who
> might have assisted and actually placed the order
> In this scenario the commission is split between the two.  Instead of
> the account owner getting 20% he might split it the the order taker
> 15%/5%
> Is there a way to have this in Ofbiz?
> Thanks,
> James

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