
I have made a few changes to the price logic to get it working for my country 
(AUT - Europe) using Sales Tax and I have a question before I prepare a 
proposal patch for the community:

My Setup:
Tax Authority (PriceIncludesTax=Y) with three TaxAuthorityRateProducts
- Sales tax 20 - assigned to product category mwst20
- Sales tax 10 - assigned to product category mwst10
- Sales tax 13 - assigned to product category mwst13

I created all product prices as gross price - setting "priceIncludesTax"="Y". 
The reason for that where some rounding issues (nothing to do with ofbiz). For 
example: I want to show the price to the customer as € 5,00 and not € 5,01.
As I have customers that also have both B2C & B2B the b2b prices are setup as 
net prices (without tax) as they are shown in store without tax.  So b2c 
customers nice looking prices (5,00, 5,99 …) and b2b customer net prices.

Here comes my question part: the default logic would change the tax type to 
VAT_TAX, if "priceIncludesTax" is in use - so SALES_TAX will be changed to 
VAT_TAX. From the logic I am following in my case the tax type should not 
changes whether the price has set up as gross-price or net-price.
I am selling my customer the product for 5 Euros including 10% tax.
€ 4,55    Net price
€ 0,45   Sales Tax
€ 5,00    Payed by customer

If I setup the product price with 4,55 without tax the result should be the 
same. Is my logic interfering with some other logic that I am not aware by now 
and therefore it would not make any sense to make that work in standard ofbiz?

Any thought on that would be welcome.

Best regards,

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