
today, after getting the info that Maxim had programmed a lot, I try to implement the actual 5.0.0-M2. (Specially the correction that the invitation-link for the two domains works correct now.)

(Before I had installed the OM 5.0.0-M2 a few weeks ago.)

It was a desaster.

Here my story:
- I made a backup: /./admin.sh -b -file backup-21052019.zip -> /Works good./
/- after that I download the actual 5.0.0-M2-Snapshot, unpack, overwrite the old version - and with a smile/./admin.sh -v -i -file ../Backup/backup-21052019.zip --drop --skip-default-objects/
Java-Engine wants version 55 (or something like that), and I had the version 52.
OK, no problem. "Repository-implemting" is one of the easy-things in life.Looking which version I want: Version 11.
And installing, removing. Time for a cup of coffee.

- Once again: /./admin.sh -v -i -file ../Backup/backup-21052019.zip --drop --skip-default-objects/
<BOOM> Warning: Star Trek: Red Alert.
OK, //etc/init.d/tomcat3 stop/
- Once again: /./admin.sh -v -i -file ../Backup/backup-21052019.zip --drop --skip-default-objects/
Wonderful. It works.

- Browser: OM-Link called: https-warning.
My server.xml is away. Why is it not in the backup? It is manually edit.
<SIGH> Good, no problem, edit server.xml, implement all the things for my two ports with the fresh letsencrypt-certificates.

//etc/init.d/tomcat3 stop
////etc/init.d/tomcat3 start
tail -f /opt/open500/logs/catalina.out

//Waiting 2 minutes. Why it is so slowly till the message in the cataöina.out appears? I can't drink so much coffee I have to wait...

- Once again: Browser: OM-Link: The installation begins.
WHAT? Where is my configuration?
OK: Once again installation.

And, expected, I had to modify the mysql-blanbla-libary to implement the region-settings.

After that: All is OK, my rooms are there, my further files too.


Why is it so complicated? OK, I think all of you are Linux-Professionals - I am not. I have a little idea what there is into a computer.

Is it possible to write a "automatically updater"?  Every stupid windows-program have something like that. A message appears that there is a new version, click OK (or not) and then it goes. All settings survive.

OK, I let off steam. Tomorrows is another day with a lot of sun and good hope.

Have a good night and with best regards,


Am 21.05.2019 um 08:49 schrieb Tajuddin Bennur:
Hi All,

My issue has been resolved.

I have missed the step of configuring the TURN server details in the "/etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini".

I followed the steps given in "https://doc-kurento.readthedocs.io/en/6.10.0/user/installation.html#installation-stun-turn";.

This resolved my issue.

Thank you.

On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 2:39 PM Tajuddin Bennur <tajuddi...@paradisosolutions.com <mailto:tajuddi...@paradisosolutions.com>> wrote:

    Hello Team,

    I have installed the openmeeting server on the AWS EC2 instance on
    Ubuntu 18.04 server.

    *The details of the packages I installed are:*
    openmeetings =  5.0.0-M1
    Kurento-media-server version = 6.10.0-0kurento1.18.04
    ghostscript = 9.26~dfsg+0-0ubuntu0.18.04
    *My Issue is:*
    When creating a conference room in the openmeeting, users are not
    able to talk with each other. Mic and speakers are not working.
    When any user enters into the room the browser asks for the
    microphone permission, still, after giving the permission, other
    users are unable to hear the voice.

    Please help me to resolve this issue.


Tajuddin Bennur

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