Hello Rene,

I'll try to answer inline

On Wed, 22 May 2019 at 02:53, R. Scholz <rene.sch...@abakus-edv-systems.de>

> Hello,
> today, after getting the info that Maxim had programmed a lot, I  try to
> implement the actual 5.0.0-M2.
> (Specially the correction that the invitation-link for the two domains
> works correct now.)
> (Before I had installed the OM 5.0.0-M2 a few weeks ago.)
> It was a desaster.
> Here my story:
> - I made a backup:  *./admin.sh -b -file backup-21052019.zip -> *Works
> good.
> - after that I download the actual 5.0.0-M2-Snapshot, unpack, overwrite
> the old version

_Overwrite_ is extremely *bad* idea
You need to delete old version (or even better move it to let's say
create new folder `om5` extract package in this fresh folder

(It is written in the docs)

> - and with a smile* ./admin.sh -v -i -file ../Backup/backup-21052019.zip
> --drop --skip-default-objects*
> Java-Engine wants version 55 (or something like that), and I had the
> version 52.
> <SIGH>

Update to Java11 was discussed in the lists and will be in announce for M2

> OK, no problem. "Repository-implemting" is one of the easy-things in
> life.Looking which version I want: Version 11.
> And installing, removing. Time for a cup of coffee.
> - Once again: * ./admin.sh -v -i -file ../Backup/backup-21052019.zip
> --drop --skip-default-objects*
> <BOOM> Warning: Star Trek: Red Alert.
> <SIGH>
> OK, */etc/init.d/tomcat3 stop*

This should be *step 0* :))))

> - Once again: * ./admin.sh -v -i -file ../Backup/backup-21052019.zip
> --drop --skip-default-objects*
> Wonderful. It works.
> - Browser: OM-Link called: https-warning.
> My server.xml is away. Why is it not in the backup? It is manually edit.
> <SIGH> Good, no problem, edit server.xml, implement all the things for my
> two ports with the fresh letsencrypt-certificates.

Here you can just copy your server.xml and other manually edited files from
your om5XXX.bak folder

> */etc/init.d/tomcat3 stop *
> */etc/init.d/tomcat3 start tail -f /opt/open500/logs/catalina.out *Waiting
> 2 minutes. Why it is so slowly till the message in the cataöina.out
> appears? I can't drink so much coffee I have to wait...
> - Once again: Browser: OM-Link: The installation begins.
> WHAT? Where is my configuration?
> OK: Once again installation.
> And, expected, I had to modify the mysql-blanbla-libary to implement the
> region-settings.
> After that: All is OK, my rooms are there, my further files too.
> Why is it so complicated? OK, I think all of you are Linux-Professionals -
> I am not. I have a little idea what there is into a computer.
> Is it possible to write a "automatically updater"?  Every stupid
> windows-program have something like that.
> A message appears that there is a new version, click OK (or not) and then
> it goes. All settings survive.
Backup currently saves all DB data + custom.css file
It is near to impossible to do automatic backup due to:
1) you can tune tomcat in million ways
2) you can use some custom java DB driver (it can have any name)
3) you can manually customize language files (Application*.xml)
4) you can manually customize html pages/email templates

I would love to implement painless backup/restore mechanism but OM was
designed to be highly customizable and you have pay for it ....

> OK, I let off steam. Tomorrows is another day with a lot of sun and good
> hope.
> Have a good night and with best regards,
> Rene
> Am 21.05.2019 um 08:49 schrieb Tajuddin Bennur:
> Hi All,
> My issue has been resolved.
> I have missed the step of configuring the TURN server details in the "
> /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini".
> I followed the steps given in "
> https://doc-kurento.readthedocs.io/en/6.10.0/user/installation.html#installation-stun-turn
> ".
> This resolved my issue.
> Thank you.
> On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 2:39 PM Tajuddin Bennur <
> tajuddi...@paradisosolutions.com> wrote:
>> Hello Team,
>> I have installed the openmeeting server on the AWS EC2 instance on Ubuntu
>> 18.04 server.
>> *The details of the packages I installed are:*
>> openmeetings =  5.0.0-M1
>> Kurento-media-server version = 6.10.0-0kurento1.18.04
>> ghostscript = 9.26~dfsg+0-0ubuntu0.18.04
>> *My Issue is:*
>> When creating a conference room in the openmeeting, users are not able to
>> talk with each other. Mic and speakers are not working.
>> When any user enters into the room the browser asks for the microphone
>> permission, still, after giving the permission, other users are unable to
>> hear the voice.
>> Please help me to resolve this issue.
>> Regards
> Tajuddin Bennur

Maxim aka solomax

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