Hi there Hosch, my gut reaction is that this is down to the turn server setup I 
have... but I could be wrong. I am hoping that if there is someone out there 
that has managed to setup a perfectly working model... that they might share... 
and explain it in simple terms from A to Z... after the initial installation 
prerequisites. It is 3am on this side, so I will put my head down for a few 
hours... but hopefully will wake up to a plethora of suggestions... look after 
yourself too. Talk soon... and thanks for reaching out! All the best. Denis.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 20, 2020, at 2:45 AM, Stefan Kühl <ste...@quatrekuehl.eu> wrote:
> Morning!
> Denis, could please explain how you are going to connect to OM? Is it 
> possible that these problems are caused by network issues?
> I've got this by myself yesterday evening in a class with 7 other students. 
> Couldn't find anything in kurento or om logs. I suggested that I just run in 
> little disconnections in private network or provider connections?!
> Greetings and stay healthy everyone!
> Hosch
> Am 20.03.2020 09:15, schrieb Denis Noctor:
>> @Tajuddin and anybody else that can help.
>> Tajuddin, I have been "off grid" for some time and apologies to those I have 
>> not been able to be in contact with recently.
>> Hopefully you might be able to provide me with some help. And please forgive 
>> me if I haven't seen a previous, solution or comment that might help me with 
>> this problem.
>> I am adding to a thread that was created by in May of last year (2019)... 
>> and given the whole Coronavirus issue, I have been forced to look into a 
>> working version of OpenMeetings, on an AWS instance... before things turn to 
>> s#it on my side... and when I say "s#it"... it is breaking my heart.
>> I set up OM some time back and everything seem to run beautifully.... a few 
>> glitches with uploading ( I understand there have been some 
>> improvements).... but after increasing ram and cpu speed things got to an 
>> acceptable level (running OM 5 - M2). As you can appreciate, due to recent 
>> events, I have needed to revisit the whole online approach of things and 
>> have ran into the following problem:
>> (Tested with me and a few others students on a "one to one" basis)
>> When I am initially in a room... everything works as expected, I am able to 
>> move from whiteboard to whiteboard and demonstrate a great class, with 
>> audio, video, pdfs and so on.... but suddenly my audio and video is 
>> disconnected... I can still see and hear the other participant... but they 
>> can't see or hear me.... I refresh the page... and everything continues as 
>> normal for a few mins... and my audio and video is disconnected again. This 
>> "seems" to be Kurento related  only (I assume) as I can still interact with 
>> everyone via whiteboard etc.
>> Based on previous messages that you may see below with Tajuddin, this is 
>> probably related to having a AWS EC2 virtual server... using a "NUMB" "turn 
>> server" (details below in a previous message).
>> Is there anyone out there that can explain in simple terms... "apples and 
>> bananas"... what I should be doing in order to get things running to at 
>> least a minimal acceptable level?
>> For reference, I have the following setup (I know that some recommendations 
>> will be to upgrade to OM 5.03... but I am still curious as to the "why" 
>> regarding my current setup and situation).
>> OM
>> Version 5.0.0-M2-SNAPSHOT
>> Revision 85daa3b
>> Build date 2019-05-13T16:53:23Z
>> Kurento 6.10.0 bionic kms6
>> Ubuntu 18.04
>> Once again, if if hasn't been clear... in this email or others... I am a 
>> simple teacher that thought by opening up a AWS EC2 instance, I could make a 
>> difference... and now even more, given the state of affairs... I am bumbling 
>> over my owns steps trying to get something working... I think I have even 
>> knotted myself up in confusion.
>> I would appreciate any help on this...  @Tajuddin  @Maxim and at anybody 
>> else.
>> If you can.... please... get back in touch with constructive comments or 
>> suggestions... I know you all have a lot going on during this time and I 
>> wish you all the best and good health...
>> I am more than happy to make myself a personal ambassador of OM after all of 
>> this!
>> All the best.
>> Denis
>>> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 4:04 AM Denis Noctor <denisnoc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Good man Tajuddin. Much appreciated - will check this out in the morning. 
>>> All the best, Denis.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On May 28, 2019, at 2:49 AM, Tajuddin Bennur <tajben...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Denis,
>>>> Apologies for the late reply.
>>>> To answer your question, and the steps which I followed are as follows, 
>>>> which are most similar to the steps which you shared in your email.
>>>> As per instructions are given in the 
>>>> "https://doc-kurento.readthedocs.io/en/6.10.0/user/installation.html#installation-stun-turn";
>>>>  document,
>>>> 1. I opened all the UDP ports in my security group.
>>>> 2. Then I registered to the NUMB server to get the username and password.
>>>> 3. To configure a TURN server in KMS, uncommented the following lines in 
>>>> the WebRtcEndpoint configuration file, located at 
>>>> /etc/kurento/modules/kurento/WebRtcEndpoint.conf.ini
>>>> turnURL=<user>:<password>@<serverIp>:<serverPort>
>>>> Following details are used in the server
>>>> turnURL=<myusername>:<mypassword>@
>>>> 4. And restarted the Kurento server.
>>>> Thus my Mic and Audio issue resolved.
>>>>> On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 1:51 PM Denis Noctor <denisnoc...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi there Tajuddin (and everyone else),
>>>>> Would you be kind enough to go through step by step the process you went 
>>>>> through to solve your problem.
>>>>> I have gone through all the installation processes of installing 
>>>>> everything on an AWS EC2 instance (with Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS). At first 
>>>>> glance everything seemed to be working fine until I realized that when 2 
>>>>> users were logged on in a room, they could see their own camera but could 
>>>>> not see the other participants screen (this applies to audio also).
>>>>> At first I thought this might be down to how I installed everything but 
>>>>> having read most (if not all the treads), I came across the following 
>>>>> query which suggests a Turn Server is required... ( 
>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENMEETINGS-2066&#010 ) According 
>>>>> to the Kurento documentation ( 
>>>>> https://doc-kurento.readthedocs.io/en/6.10.0/user/installation.html   )   
>>>>>  If Kurento Media Server, its Application Server, or any of the clients 
>>>>> are located behind a NAT, you need to use a STUN or a TURN server in 
>>>>> order to achieve NAT traversal.  I tried the suggest TURN settings using 
>>>>> NUMB (after registering a user name and password), but with no joy, still 
>>>>> have the same problem.
>>>>> Finally on a separate matter I noticed there are 9 versions of Alvaro's 
>>>>> instructions for setting up openmeetings on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS  - versions 
>>>>> 1 to 7 make reference to DOCKER.... 8 and 9 don't. Excuse my ignorance 
>>>>> but does that mean it is no longer require. All versions contain the same 
>>>>> date (25-3-2019).
>>>>> Any help would be appreciate.
>>>>> All the best.
>>>>> Denis
>>>> -- 
>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>> Tajuddin Bennur

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