some of UI improvements requested are implemented and demo-next is update
Please check :)

On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 19:32, Marcus Schulz <m...@polarnetworks.de> wrote:

> I would also prefere the icons displaying the current state, not the state
> that will be entered when clicked.
> My users alaways asked if the mic is off, because there has been a little
> cross.
> Thank you all for your great work btw.
> Am 29.03.2020 um 13:39 schrieb i...@bureau-de-poste.net:
> That's great! Either the orange or red with a slash through it for the
> devices that are off.  That's all I wanted. Personally I do NOT like the
> "EXIT" highlighted in orange - I think that should stay the same color as
> the other text links. That is my opinion.
> Best,
> ed
> Quoting Juan Antonio Moreno Carmona <jam...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all.
> Maybe you mean something like that. The first image when the camera and
> microphone are activated and other users can see/hear me. The second image
> when the camera and microphone are off, nobody can see/hear me.
> Regards.
> El 29/3/20 a las 13:06, i...@bureau-de-poste.net escribió:
> Hello,
> I'll put my answers prefaced like this -->
> --> I don't know javascript and don't use it!  I saw the sandstone colors
> and I would suggest using the green  (success) color for the icons to show
> when the camera and microphone are enabled, and use the orange (warning)
> with the slash through it to show that the camera and mike are disabled.
> That's the only color change I wanted.
> I answered one other thing - the user rectangle volume control should be
> persistent even through a refresh. This would be good, but it's not
> critical, it's easy to reset.  Thanks
> Ed
> Quoting Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:
> Hello All,
> I'll try to answer in one email :)
>> - The symbol and the text for leaving the room should be highlighted (in
>> color?).
> Could you please color this using color scheme from here
> https://bootswatch.com/sandstone/
> And Share the result as picture?
> (I'm not a designer, and have no imagination, but I believe too much
> colors can ruin everything)
>> - The character > should be inverted in the chat bar. That would
>> correspond to the same logic as with the new camera and microphone symbol.
> Will do
>> - The color selection dialog should open near the tools properties window.
>> At the moment the color selection appears in the top left corner and
>> makes long movements with the mouse.
> Seems to be opened as expected
> Could you re-check with latest version?
>> - The icons in the toolbar could be a little bit smaler. They almost
>> touch the chat bar. see attached screenshot.
> Same remark as above,
> Can you share the of the room with this change?
>> But this should not slow down the release process.   ;-)
> Yep,
> Dozens of mosquitos can kill an elephant ... :)))
>> One last idea - and I understand that I am just a tester / user of this
>> and that it is your project in which I participate ( I also participate in
>> spark, hadoop, nutch - i love apache projects), but since you asked, I
>> would change the color of everythign that is "ON" or enabled to green and
>> everything that is "OFF" to red - just like the traffic lights!  For what
>> it's worth, and I have nothing against the color orange!
> Same remark as above,
> Can you share the of the room with this change?
>> This is better - personally I would color the camera and mic icons that
>> are activated, so they look "ON" - (without the slash of course) - and to
>> indicate the "OFF" status - it is fine - with the slash.
>> For example, when you hover over (or mouse over) the tiny speaker icon in
>> the dragable user rectangle we see the orange-colored old-fashioned
>> microphone  image pop-up - this is excellent. I would also have theat tiny
>> speaker icon in the dragable user rectangle in orange to indicate its state
>> is "ON" when it is on - the other two tiny icons (refresh and minimize) at
>> the top of the dragable user rectangle are fine in grey since they are
>> settings to change not states and users know what to expect with them.
>> Same remark as above,
> Can you share the of the room with this change?
>> This is my advice since you asked - I'm more concerned with
>> fonctionality! It is working well.
>> One question - I have tested this extensively in Chrome adn I notice that
>> if one sets the volume of teh microphone different than 50 (in the tiny
>> icon in the dragable user rectangle) -each time I refres the user it si
>> reset to level 50. Is this desired? Wouldn't it be better to keep the last
>> user volumn settings through a "refresh" since users will most probably use
>> the refresh to see or hear another user who may have changed the state of
>> their camera and microphone. This is just an idea - it is OK as it is since
>> it's easy to reset it.
>> Actually I thought of this
> BUT unfortunately this is not that easy
> Actually there are more than one volume
> 1) self volume (actually microphone gain)
> 2) volume for each user in the room with microphone
> userId -> volume can be stored
> Do you think it worth so?
> -->  If you can do no. 2 easily it would be good, but it's not critical at
> all.
>> Thansk for the good work. I'll test this on FF adn Edge and if there are
>> any problems will reply again.
> Thanks for the feedback :))
> --
> Maxim aka solomax

Maxim aka solomax

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