I installed OM on Centos 7, and rather than using the shell scripts in the bin 
folder to start the system, I prefer to integrate it with Tomcat 8.5 that's 
already installed on the server and enabled in the user account. I'm missing 
the point of how to integrate OM with Tomcat so that the app path is identified.
Another point, I want to use the SSL certificates that are already installed on 
the server through the 443 port, not to specify a standalone port for the OM 
system. Simply to type the subdomain to get to the system directly 
(https://meetings.domain.com).For reference, I have already set the 
"application.base.url" key in the configuration section to the subdomain url, 
but it's still not working directly, it always requires to type 
https://meetings.domain.com:5443/openmeetings. I tried also to change the port 
number in the sever.xml file and it didn't direct correctly.
Please advise regarding how to accomplish these two points.
Thank you.


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