Can you do that for a nightly build ?

On 28/10/2021 08:36, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
There is dockerized OM with KMS bundled :)))
(will try to add 6.2.0 this week)

should be super-easy to start :)))

On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 at 14:34, Daniel Baker <> wrote:

    So can we make the process of using dockerĀ  easier ? On a broader
    note I do wonder if containerization makes life easier forĀ  us.

    On 27/10/2021 08:25, Maxim Solodovnik wrote:
    I do remember we were working with some folks from ArchLinux on
    OM installation automation
    I have no experience with writing configs for `apt` :(
    (might be non-trivial due to KMS is dockerized ....)

    On Wed, 27 Oct 2021 at 14:05, Daniel Baker
    <> wrote:

        That would be really convenient to use apt-get. Look forward
        to this :-)



        On 27/10/2021 00:48, wrote:
        > That's awesome!
        > Do you think it would be possible to publish OpenMeetings
        directly to
        > the Debian repository (or others) ?
        > So you can do "apt-get install openmeetings" ? :)
        > That could also make the installation easier (e.g. you can
        > dependencies for the package)
        > You think that might be a good idea?
        > Thanks
        > Sebastian
        > Sebastian Wagner
        > Director Arrakeen Solutions,
        > - Cloud & Server Hosting for HTML5
        > Video-Conferencing OpenMeetings
        > On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 at 22:05, Alvaro <>
        >> Excuse me please to send three times the same email,
        >> but Google every time put me differents conditions :)
        >> Sorry!
        >> ................
        >> On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 11:43:13 +0100
        >> Alvaro <> wrote:
        >>> Hello,
        >>> Maxim, with the invaluable collaboration of Sebastian
        Wagner on this
        >>> occasion,
        >>> have created the new OpenMeetings 6.2.0 release so that
        we can surf and
        >>> reach
        >>> other people with words, images and writing.
        >>> Thanks to both.
        >>> The installation tutorials for this on differents OSes
        can find them in:
        >>> ...called:
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on Arch Linux
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on Centos 7
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on Centos 8
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on Debian 10
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on Debian 11
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on Fedora 34
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on openSUSE Leap 15.2
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on openSUSE Leap 15.3
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 lts
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 lts
        >>> Installation OpenMeetings 6.2.0 on Ubuntu 21.04
        >>> Best Regards
        >>> Alvaro
        >> --
        >> Alvaro

-- Best regards,

Best regards,

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