My thought was to build the borders on their own, then once the borders are 
created, apply them to the cell styles in a single step. This would require a 
few new objects. A CellBorder object to hold the row index, the cell index, and 
the border properties (including color) for the cell. And a collection object 
to hold the CellBorder objects. The collection is built one property at a time 
using a method named createBorder(int row, int col, int border, int color) or 
createBorder(int row, int col, int border) border uses the BORDER_XXXXX 
constants, color uses the COLOR_XXXX constants. When the borders are completely 
built, loop through the CellBorders, and apply each to the appropriate 
CellStyle (creating the row and/or cell if necessary) But you will want to 
apply all the properties to the CellStyle at once.

You are going to have to change

         * This method attempt to find an already existing CellStyle that 
matches what you want the
         * style to be. If it does not find the style, then it creates a new 
one. If it does create a
         * new one, then it applies the propertyName and propertyValue to the 
style. This is necessary
         * because Excel has an upper limit on the number of Styles that it 
         *@param workbook The workbook that is being worked with.
         *@param propertyName The name of the property that is to be changed.
         *@param propertyValue The value of the property that is to be changed.
         *@param cell The cell that needs it's style changes
        public static void setCellStyleProperty(Cell cell, Workbook workbook, 
String propertyName,
                        Object propertyValue) {
                CellStyle originalStyle = cell.getCellStyle();
                CellStyle newStyle = null;
                Map<String, Object> values = getFormatProperties(originalStyle);
                values.put(propertyName, propertyValue);

                // index seems like what index the cellstyle is in the list of 
styles for a workbook.
                // not good to compare on!
                short numberCellStyles = workbook.getNumCellStyles();

                for (short i = 0; i < numberCellStyles; i++) {
                        CellStyle wbStyle = workbook.getCellStyleAt(i);
                        Map<String, Object> wbStyleMap = 

                        if (wbStyleMap.equals(values)) {
                                newStyle = wbStyle;

                if (newStyle == null) {
                        newStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
                        setFormatProperties(newStyle, workbook, values);


Override the method:

         * This method attempt to find an already existing CellStyle that 
matches what you want the
         * style to be. If it does not find the style, then it creates a new 
one. If it does create a
         * new one, then it applies the properties to the style. This is 
         * because Excel has an upper limit on the number of Styles that it 
         *@param workbook The workbook that is being worked with.
         *@param properties A HashMap containing property, value pairs.
         *@param cell The cell that needs it's style changes
        public static void setCellStyleProperty(Cell cell, Workbook workbook, 
Map<String, Object> properties) {
                CellStyle originalStyle = cell.getCellStyle();
                CellStyle newStyle = null;
                Map<String, Object> values = getFormatProperties(originalStyle);

                // index seems like what index the cellstyle is in the list of 
styles for a workbook.
                // not good to compare on!
                short numberCellStyles = workbook.getNumCellStyles();

                for (short i = 0; i < numberCellStyles; i++) {
                        CellStyle wbStyle = workbook.getCellStyleAt(i);
                        Map<String, Object> wbStyleMap = 

                        if (wbStyleMap.equals(values)) {
                                newStyle = wbStyle;

                if (newStyle == null) {
                        newStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
                        setFormatProperties(newStyle, workbook, values);


         * This method attempt to find an already existing CellStyle that 
matches what you want the
         * style to be. If it does not find the style, then it creates a new 
one. If it does create a
         * new one, then it applies the propertyName and propertyValue to the 
style. This is necessary
         * because Excel has an upper limit on the number of Styles that it 
         *@param workbook The workbook that is being worked with.
         *@param propertyName The name of the property that is to be changed.
         *@param propertyValue The value of the property that is to be changed.
         *@param cell The cell that needs it's style changes
        public static void setCellStyleProperty(Cell cell, Workbook workbook, 
String propertyName,
                        Object propertyValue) {
                HashMap<String, Object> property = new HashMap(propertyName, 
                setCellStyleProperty(cell, workbook, property); 

I think the above change is the key. But it needs a lot of support built around 
it. The classes and methods to build the borders, and the method to apply those 
borders to the styles by calling setCellStyleProperty(Cell, Workbook, Map). 
This will prevent creating all those intermediate styles.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dominik Stadler [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 3:25 PM
To: POI Users List
Subject: Re: Drawing Borders is SLOW


I think there is a related bug entry at where we did some 
investigation and discussed caching things, but we could not create a complete 
fix yet... Ideas/Patches welcome!

Thanks... Dominik.

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 3:18 PM, Murphy, Mark <> wrote:
> I do create a bunch of styles at the front, but they do not have borders. I 
> would need 3 styles for column headers (just because of borders), and the 
> data portion of the table would require at least 9 styles, just because of 
> borders. And that assumes that the data in each cell is formatted the same 
> way. Each different type of formatting, number formats, special highlighting, 
> bolding, alignment would require multiple styles, and the program complexity 
> needed to add table data location awareness to the mix (just to ensure the 
> correct border goes with the correct cell) is unnecessary. The logic is much 
> simpler, and you have to preload fewer styles, if you just leave the borders 
> off, and draw them after the spreadsheet is built. Unfortunately that is a 
> very slow option. It is POI that creates unnecessary styles due to its one 
> property at a time processing of borders.
> What's easier to read and maintain (this is RPG that I am calling the POI 
> methods from):
>     for rowNum = 1 to something;
>          row = ssSheet_createRow(sheet: rowNum);
>          ss_num(row: 1: customerNumber: sty_num);
>          ss_text(row: 2: customerName: sty_text);
>          ss_text(row: 3: status: sty_code);
>          ss_date(row: 4: createDate: *MDY): sty_date);
>     endfor;
>     ss_drawBorders(book: sheet: 1: rowNum-1: 1: 4:
>                     BORDER_THIN: EXTENT_INSIDE);
>     ss_drawBorders(book: sheet: 1: rowNum-1: 1: 4:
>                     BORDER_MEDIUM: EXTENT_OUTSIDE);
> Or
>     for rowNum = 1 to something;
>          row = ssSheet_createRow(sheet: rowNum);
>          if rowNum = 1;
>              style = sty_num_tl;
>          else;
>              style = sty_num_l;
>          endif;
>          ss_num (row: 1: customerNumber: style);
>          if rowNum = 1;
>              style = sty_text_t;
>          else;
>              style = sty_text;
>          endif;
>          ss_text(row: 2: customerName: sty_text);
>          if rowNum = 1;
>              style = sty_code_t;
>          else;
>              style = sty_code;
>          endif;
>          ss_text(row: 3: status: sty_code);
>          if rowNum = 1;
>              style = sty_date_tr;
>          else;
>              style = sty_date_r;
>          endif;
>          ss_date(row: 4: createDate: *MDY): sty_date);
>     endfor;
>     // Still need more code to replace the styles on the last row of 
> cells to get the borders right
> This is the simplest of examples. Most of my spreadsheets are far more 
> complex with some having styles set based on the data, is the part 
> discontinued, is the process late, etc. This just makes for nested if's in 
> trying to decide which style should be applied to each cell. The first code 
> is simpler, and if all the border properties could be set for a cell all at 
> once, much quicker. Just a single search, just a single setCellStyleProperty, 
> and no unused intermediate styles created.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Burch []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 3:59 PM
> To: POI Users List
> Subject: Re: Drawing Borders is SLOW
> On Tue, 3 Nov 2015, Murphy, Mark wrote:
>> I am sure you all know this. But the problem increases as the number 
>> of styles grows. In looking at the code, I am convinced that the 
>> problem can be found in the fact that when borders are drawn, the 
>> cell style is retrieved, the border is applied, and all styles are 
>> searched for a matching style. I one is not found, then a new one is 
>> created
> This is the bit where I'm loosing you. Surely you create a dozen or so styles 
> at the start of creating your workbook, with the various colours and borders 
> that you want, then you simply apply them to your cells as you work through 
> creating your workbook. You shouldn't need to be creating styles as you go, 
> adding various bits of borders in to them.
> Styles in Excel are, due to how the file format works, scoped at the workbook 
> level and not the cell level. You shouldn't therefore be creating styles as 
> you go, or you'll run out of available styles!
> Nick
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