​I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the conditional stuff. ​I can't
seem to =find= ConditionalFormattingEvaluator in the POI jar.

If I could find it, I'm not sure how I'd use it:

ec = ConditionalFormattingEvaluator(Workbook wb, WorkbookEvaluatorProvider

How do I create "provider"? I don't get the "IStabilityClass" thing.

Once having it, I would guess I call:

list = ec.getConditionalFormattingForCell(someCell);

and for each item in the list:

fmt = item.getFormatting();

But does getConditionalFormattingForCell return all the formats POSSIBLE or
only the ones that apply based on the spreadsheet's current state? And if
the former, how do I eliminate the ones that apply?

I feel like I'm looking completely in the wrong direction, but I haven't
been able to locate any examples of how to use this.

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