
Me and my employer Svenska Spel have open sourced a command line tool we call cobra-policytool. It is an add-on for Atlas and Ranger to make it easy to integrate deployment of Ranger policies and Atlas tags in a CI/CD pipeline.

Our primary usage have been with Hive but we are extending other areas. Beside just tagging hive tables and setting Ranger policies Cobra-policytool can do row based filtering based on tags. These policies are at deploy time expanded to normal Ranger policies.

Find out more in this medium post https://medium.com/@mrunesson/managing-data-access-policies-in-hive-bba60943b7b4 or my presentation at DataWorks Summit Europe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlDQqj5aYOg&t=129s

Project is found at Github https://github.com/SvenskaSpel/cobra-policytool

I think this can interest many here. Contributions and comments are welcome.



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