Hi guys,

I'm still working on user sync based on LDAP, I'm afraid the sync doesn't
work without showing any logs.
I performed an initial sync in an older version, and just upgraded to 2.4.
Now, to check the usersync is still working, I deleted a user and waited
for it to be created again except ... it's not, even though the user is
still in the LDAP.
In the logs I can see that usersync is trying to reach the LDAP, but even
with DEBUG log level I can't either see the user is retrieved, nor there is
an error while trying to retrieve it. Here's the only log I get :

15 Feb 2024 16:57:02  INFO o.a.r.u.UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] -
initializing source:
15 Feb 2024 16:57:02  INFO o.a.r.l.p.LdapUserGroupBuilder
[UnixUserSyncThread] - LdapUserGroupBuilder initialization started
15 Feb 2024 16:57:02 DEBUG o.a.h.s.a.AbstractJavaKeyStoreProvider
[UnixUserSyncThread] - backing jks path initialized to
15 Feb 2024 16:57:02  INFO o.a.r.l.p.LdapUserGroupBuilder
[UnixUserSyncThread] - LdapUserGroupBuilder initialization completed with
--  ldapUrl: ldap://cmb.blabla.org:389,  ldapBindDn:
 ldapBindPassword: ***** ,  ldapAuthenticationMechanism: simple,
 searchBase: dc=cmb,dc=blabla,dc=org,  userSearchBase:
[ou=CACM,ou=utilisateurs,dc=cmb,dc=blabla,dc=org],  userSearchScope: 2,
 userObjectClass: organizationalPerson,  userSearchFilter:
 extendedUserSearchFilter: null,  userNameAttribute: name,
 userSearchAttributes: [postOfficeBox, uSNChanged, name, modifytimestamp,
objectid, userurincipaluame],  userGroupNameAttributeSet: [postOfficeBox],
 otherUserAttributes: [userurincipaluame],  pagedResultsEnabled: true,
 pagedResultsSize: 500,  groupSearchEnabled: true,  groupSearchBase:
[dc=cmb,dc=blabla,dc=org],  groupSearchScope: 2,  groupObjectClass:
groupofnames,  groupSearchFilter: ,  extendedGroupSearchFilter:
(&null(|(member={0})(member={1}))),  extendedAllGroupsSearchFilter: null,
 groupMemberAttributeName: member,  groupNameAttribute: cn,
groupSearchAttributes: [uSNChanged, displayname, member, cn,
modifytimestamp, objectid], groupSearchFirstEnabled: true,
userSearchEnabled: true,  ldapReferral: ignore
15 Feb 2024 16:57:02  INFO o.a.r.u.UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] -
Begin: initial load of user/group from source==>sink
15 Feb 2024 16:57:02  INFO o.a.r.u.UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] -
End: initial load of user/group from source==>sink
15 Feb 2024 16:57:02  INFO o.a.r.u.UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] -
Done initializing user/group source and sink
15 Feb 2024 16:57:02 DEBUG o.a.r.u.UserGroupSync [UnixUserSyncThread] -
Sleeping for [3600000] milliSeconds

Could you help me identify what's wrong ?

Technical leader Big Data
Capgemini (Lyon, France)

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